The press has played an important role in both constructing and communicating what and who is important in communities. That was never more evident that in rural America where there was often a single newspaper with a limited number of subscribers to sustain it. Given a numerically small population of persons of color and the fact that those persons often occupied positions of “lesser status” within those towns, the mainstream newspapers didn’t often contain news about racial and ethnic minorities. Yet, these minority populations maintained active social lives, usually in parallel public spheres due to the dictates of the customs and conventions that encouraged and perpetuated segregation. On occasion, the affairs of the Black community found their way into print when residents managed to get news of import to them carried in the local newspaper. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the race of persons mentioned in stories was usually included as a matter of course. These archives contain newspaper articles that pertain to Knox County African Americans or businesses and organizations operated by them. Items were selected when the race of the subjects were disclosed in the text or the subjects were known to have been members of the local Black community. Relatively short in length, the full text of each article is transcribed in each record. Where legible, an image of the article appears as well.
Submissions from 1918
Colored Selects Entrain For Camp Thirteen Leave; Report At Draft Board For Instructions
Colored Select To Go To Camp Custer
Frank Turner Restaurant 1917 Turkey Dinner
Initiates 16--Colored Lodge To Hold Smoker
Local Board Would Have Williams Fill Out Questionnaire
Mrs. May Entertains Twentieth Century Club
The Democratic Banner: Mrs. May Entertains the 20th Century Club, The Democratic Banner
The Democratic Banner: Postponed Recital due to Revival Services, The Democratic Banner
The Democratic Banner: Twentieth Century and Booker T. Washington club contribute to Y.W.C.A Drive, The Democratic Banner
Submissions from 1917
Club Women In Favor Of A Dry United States
Club Women In Favor Of A Dry United States
Convention of State Federation Colored Women's Club Here
Convention of State Federation Colored Women's Club Here
Convention of State Federation Colored Women's Club Here
Frank Turner Restaurant 1917 Turkey Dinner Christmas
Grow Vegetables in Home Yards and Vacant Lots
Lawn Fete For Battery Highly Pleasing Affair
Shrubbery Planted In Park At Head Of North Main St
Will Hold Lawn Fete For Benefit Of Home For the Aged Tuesday
The Democratic Banner: Application Filed for A.H. Simmons Estate, The Democratic Banner
The Democratic Banner: Convention of Colored Women's, The Democratic Banner
Submissions from 1916
Chorus Organized By Colored Young People; Officers Elected
Class No. 5 of A. M. E. Church Leads--Total of $828.53 Secured
Colored--Knights of Pythias Holding State Meeting in Delaware -- Mayor Welcome Delegates
Colored Masons Choose Officers Friday Night
Plans Under Way For State Convention Colored Knights Of Pythias At Delaware in July
Program of Memorial Day Will Be Carried Out In The Cemetary In Case Weather Permits
The Democratic Banner: A.H. Simmons Divides Estate, The Democratic Banner
The Democratic Banner: Big Camp-Meetings at Rogers Lake, The Democratic Banner
The Democratic Banner: Calvary Baptist Church Dedication March 14, 1916, The Democratic Banner
The Democratic Banner: Camp-Meeting of the Calvary Baptist Church at Rogers Lake, The Democratic Banner
The Democratic Banner: Dedication March 7, 1916, The Democratic Banner
Submissions from 1915
Frank Turner in Business Pages
The Democratic Banner: Baptism of 16 in the Kokosing River, The Democratic Banner
The Democratic Banner: Baptisms on the Kokosing by Rev. Hampton, The Democratic Banner
The Democratic Banner: Cornerstone of the new Calvary Baptist church La, The Democratic Banner
The Democratic Banner: To Lay Cornerstone of New Church, The Democratic Banner
Submissions from 1914
Burglary At Office Of W. W. Young And Turner Restaurant Police Unable to Obtain Any Clew As Yet
Submissions from 1913
Submissions from 1912
Lawn Fete Gambier Baseball team