
Publication Date



Friday evening the first annual Forum reunion was held in the high school building. Those invited were members of the present forum staff and former members of the Forum staffs. Approximately seventy-five persons gathered in the high school building where a very enjoyable hour was spent. A program was rendered which was enjoyed by all present. Later in the evening the company adjourned to Turner’s restaurant where a three-course banquet was served. The programs for this reunion were very unique. They were made up as a small Forum and were called the Reunion number. On the inside in the “locals” is said that the first reunion of Forum staffs was held March 27th, and then it gave the program for the evening. After listening to the toasts given, those present elected officers for the ensuing year and the reunion for next year was put in charge of these officer. The following were the officers elected: President—Russell Thrailkill. Secretary and Treasurer—Dan Houck. The merry party then adjourned for one year, declaring the first reunion of Forum staffs to have been a complete success in every way.


The Democratic Banner

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