About Institutional Repositories | Scholarship of Kenyon College

Digital Kenyon is the institutional repository of Kenyon College.  It supports the mission of Kenyon by:

  • Contributing value to the liberal arts education of our students through scholarship, job opportunities, and enhancement of high-impact learning programs.
  • Promoting interdisciplinary research, scholarship, and creative exchange among our faculty and students.
  • Preserving the rich history and vibrant traditions of the college by making them accessible to the world-wide Kenyon family.
  • Engaging in collaborations with local and global communities of researchers and scholars to build partnerships and pathways to attract, retrain, and support the success of a diverse student body.

Find out more:

Collection Development Policy
For Faculty Authors
How to Submit a Student Honors Thesis

Materials in Digital Kenyon

Other questions?  Contact us at digitalkenyon@kenyon.edu.