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Few States Without an Organization and Demonstrators--Much Money Is Made In Washington and Oregon, Where Boys and Girls Are Taught Scientifically to Can Salmon. Washington.—“The primary object of the boys’ and girls’ clubs which are being organized throughout the country with the assistance of the department of agriculture, but in co-operation with state colleges of agriculture,” says Secretary Houston, “is to aid young people to become more efficient and more contented farmers and home builders. “The clubs may be organized under the leadership of the county superintendent of schools or any of the teachers under him. If the educational authorities of the county are not yet alive to the possibilities of these clubs the county demonstration agent may take charge of the movement, or if there is no demonstration agent in the county such organizations as local chambers of commerce, the grange, women’s clubs, etc., may assume the leadership. The names and addresses of the boys and girls included in the clubs are collected and sent to the state agent, who will furnish organization and cultural instructions upon request. “Experience has shown, however, that the difficulty is not in organizing a club with a large enrollment of members, but in inducing these members to complete their work and to report on the results. The test of efficiency is not so much the organization of new clubs as continuing interest in those already formed. To assure this continuity of interest various schemes have been evolved to make the club work progressive. “An example of agents adapting their plans to circumstances is the canning of salmon in Washington and Oregon, mainly along the Columbia river. There thousands of tons of salmon have gone to waste annually. At present twenty-five clubs of about twenty members each are canning salmon, turning what has heretofore been wasted into a well preserved article of food.
The Democratic Banner
Recommended Citation
"Houston Extols Children's Clubs Aid Young People to Become More Efficient and Contented Growing in All Sections" (1915). Newspaper Articles. Paper 92.