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Registrants for the selective draft receiving questionnaires when they are sent out by the local draft board will be able to secure expert legal advice concerning the proper methods of filling out the blanks, according to announcement Thursday, as a result of the meeting of the legal draft board and the legal advisory committee, composed of Common Pleas Judge Park B. Blair, Judge F.O. Levering and William M. Koons, Wednesday afternoon. At this meeting it was deided to organize the local attorneys and "able laymen" as well, with a view to having enough men on duty each day to care for the registrants without permitting a congestion of work. this organization has not yet been made, but it is planned to arrange an office at the court house. If possible, for this purpose and have the attorneys and other members of the associate board of advisors alternate at the office. The local attorneys have volunteered to give their services free of charge either to the government or the registrant so served. Cooper Jackson, colored registratn, has applied to the local board for permission to enlist, but Chief Clerk Evans said Thursday that he was of the opinion that the local board has no power to grant or refuse his request as Jackson has not yet been called for service, and hence is free to enlist if he wishes. It is understood that Jackson wishes to enlist as a truck driver
The Democratic Banner
Recommended Citation
"Questionnaires To Be Filled In By Attorneys Members of Bar Association Will Serve Registrants In Turn Legal Advice To Be Given Without Cost Will Establish Office At Court House; Jackson Wants To Enlist" (1917). Newspaper Articles. Paper 60.