Each student who writes an honors thesis at Kenyon College deposits a copy in our archives. This collection contains electronic copies of those papers, beginning with the those submitted in Spring, 2009.
The archives is currently scanning and digitizing printed theses prior to 2009. This is an ongoing project that will eventually make all honors theses in the archive collection available on Digital Kenyon.
Access to this collection is provided within the Kenyon community only.
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For current students: honors thesis submission instructions can be found here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Amongst the Hounds, Emma Abate
Telling a Cautionary Tale: Film's Tragic Story of the American Sex Worker, Lily Ader
Regeneration of Lumbriculus variegatus is dependent upon post-amputation production of reactive oxygen species, Freya Rose Beinart
Chichikov’s Journeys: Gogol’s Dead Souls and Russian Literature in English, 1854-1967, Sam Bowden
The Immanuel/Jade Model: A Tool for Addressing Desire Conflicts in Contentious Modification Cases, Lucas Dunst
The “Other” in Nineteenth-Century French Automata: Technology, Domestication, and Imperialism, William Gerhardinger
“There is Nothing Known Beyond This.” Gog, Magog, and Humanity’s Furthest Extents, Alejandro Gonzalez
A Study in Wreckage, Jessica Horwitch
From Struggle to Resistance: Contemporary Arab American Christian Protagonists' Hybridity and Interfaith Solidarity, Olivia Hynes
Sojourn in Gambier, Valerie Kakos
Testimonio de los tiempos / Testimony of the Times, Madeline Kwasnick
North American barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) pair, mate, and interact assortatively, Omar J. Morosse
“Living Blood, that the Linen Drinks Up”: Consent and Desire in the Modernist Bedroom, Rebecca Renner
Characterizing the Coherence of Three-Atom Entangled States near Förster Resonance, Lucy Shamel
Antibiotic Resistance Gene Abundance and Characterization of Bacterial Taxa and in Four Pond Ecosystems, Maya Vaccaro
DEAR ADA: An Archive of Memory, Migration, and Mooring, Ocean Wei
For I Know That Nothing Good Dwells in Me., Taylor Womack
Otem in Paradise, Emily Yourman
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Making Your Voices Heard? The Tajik Civil War, the Kyrgyz Revolutions, and the Development of State-Society Relations in Post-Soviet Central Asia, Christopher Bechtol
The Forgotten Battlefield: Orthodox Church Politics, Nationalism, and Russian Propaganda in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Christopher Bechtol
Authoring the Subaltern Voice: Storytelling as Pathways to Reconstructing Truth in Postcolonial Literature, Lily Beeson-Norwitz
Criticizing Cartographies: James Rennell’s Maps of India, Brooke Brown
CHILE DESPERTÓ: Culture, Memory, and Deliberation in the Struggles for Authentic Democracy, Liam Crisan
Exploring Friendship: An Interpretation of Plato's Lysis, Garrett Culbertson
“I Just Donated, and You Should Too!”: Examining the Effects of Moral Emotions on Donation-Related Prosocial Behavior on Instagram, Katherine M. Ellis
Sing, Goddess: Contemporary Female Novelistic Retellings of the Iliad, Molly Fording
'The Spoils of the East': Science and Orientalism in A Voyage into the Levant, Abigail Foster
The Exchange of Goods and the Construction of Identity: A Comparative Analysis of Byzantium and Al-Andalus, Samantha Goldenson
Telomere and Plumage Dynamics in Adult Barn Swallows, Yujie (Serena) Liu
Mechanisms Underlying Emergence of a Sub-G1 Population of Cells in a Mutant Xenopus laevis Line Lacking AHR1α, Paige Milhon
Unpacking Rural Resource and Social Networks: A Case Study of Center of Hope, Elliot Moore and Austin H. Johnson
Elizabeth Inchbald: Popular Appeal and Morality on the Eighteenth-Century Stage, Zoe Neirink
Organizing Voices: Examining Indigenous Representation Organizations in Japan and New Zealand, George Novotny
Effects of Membrane-Permeant Organic Compounds, pH, Growth Phases, and their Interactions on mRNA Expression of PMF-Driven Drug Efflux Pumps in Escherichia coli, Minh Pham and Joan Slonczewski
Ink and Oil-Spills: Eco-Art in Contemporary Chinese Art, Ian Prescott
On Social Positions and Social Influence: Society’s Impacts on White, Male Serial Killers, Lilly Richart
Cultural Differences in Holistic Processing: A Behavioral and EEG Study, Zhixing Sun
Antagonism of the Xenopus laevis Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptors, Alexandra Thoms
An Inclusive Black Nationalism: An Examination of Ideological Diversity During the Black Arts Movement, Benjamin Weiner
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Does Visual Working Memory Predict Learning of Japanese Script? A Comparison of Logographic and Syllabary Script, John Apsley
Probing the functions of COP1-like genes in seasonal reproduction of the moss Physcomitrium patens, Jo Bùi
Deforestation and Tree Kinship in Medieval Iceland, Lynn Butzlaff and Lynn Butzlaff
Dislocated: A Three Stage Approach to Translation using Natsume Sōseki’s Ten Nights’ Dreams for the 2020’s, Nathan Chu
What Kind Of People Do We Need To Be? American Political Thought: 1776-1788, John Conway
Tags temporarily decrease takeoff velocity and trajectory in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus), Katherine Crawford
Spring in Gambier, Bella Creel
Sexual dimorphism in avian flight structures is predicted by mating systems and parental investment, Jonah S. Dominguez
Simulating the high-energy Universe, from the Big Bang to black holes, Ericka Florio
Numerical Simulations of Nonlinear Physics in the Universe, Mary Gerhardinger
Characterizing Sphagnum spectral physiology across a 3000km latitudinal transect., Chris Goodall
Atmospheric Deposition and the Ecosystem Impacts Along an Agricultural-to-Urban Gradient in Ohio, U.S., Ansley Grider
The Cultural Interaction of Material Objects Between Eighteenth Century France and India, Olivia Hoffmann
Examining the Effectiveness of a Feminist-Inspired Video Intervention for Women’s Body Dissatisfaction, Adrienne Kvaka
Defining the role of tcf15 in Danio rerio peripheral nervous system patterning, Lauren Limbach
Who is Guarding the Guardians? Tracking Changes in Civil-Military Relations in the United States from Vietnam to the Forever Wars, Ayla Gayle McBreen
Sport in the German Democratic Republic: Unpacking Everyday Life in the Eastern Bloc, Clare McMahon
Seeds of Sovereignty: Contact, Agency, and Ecological Power in Haudenosaunee America, Zoë Packel
Unraveling the molecular mechanisms of DIO2 regulation in response to cortisol in a human extravillous trophoblast cell line, Rodaba Rahim
Chronic Prenatal Maternal Stress in the Mouse Alters Type II Iodothyronine Deiodinase Expression and Thyroid Hormone Bioavailability in the Placenta, Salome Shubitidze
The Effect of Social Support From Parents, Friends, and Professors on College Students’ Perceptions of Academic Success, Lauren Smith
Identification of nerve development factors via gene expression profiling of stl159 zebrafish mutants, Sierra Smith
Understanding the American Expressionist Anti-Heroine: Chrononormativity and the Deviant Bodies of Pinwheel, The Subway, and Machinal, Katie Stevenson
GIRLKUNSTPOLITIK: jennicam.org and the evolution of digital portrayal, pornography and play, Rebecca Turner
Early life factors affect telomere length and dynamics in nestling barn swallows, Charlie Voirin
Coherent Control of Processes That Break the Dipole Blockade, Tomohisa Yoda
“Shall I At Least Set My Lands in Order?” Gender, the Grotesque, and the Waste Land Cycle of Rejuvenation in James Joyce’s Ulysses, Sydney Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
"When Goths were Goths and Tamora was Queen": Gothic Worlds and Shakespeare's Spectre in Walpole and Radcliffe, Alexia Mandla Ainsworth
Between Chastity and Heresy: A Study of Female Mystics, Hannah Aronson-Paxton
The Nearsightedness of Media Spectacles: Measuring Appraisals of Aggression through Psychological Distance, Henry Biedron
Machiavelli and Hobbes: The Fox and Lion on Ambition, Philip Brain
“All of the Work and None of the Enjoyment”: College Instructors’ Diminished Occupational Well-Being in the COVID-19 Crisis, Paige Bullock
Siegfriedism: Myths Behind Mirrors, Hanna P. Feuer
Sarah Kane's Poetics of Subjectivity, Katherine Franco
Affiliation During a Pandemic: How Gender, Gender Role Adherence, and Social Support Affect Adjustment, Hannah Haynes
Intimacy and the Fellowship It Can Bring, Oliver Martin
Comparing two paralogs with one program: A sequence analysis of the cation transporters CCC2 and NKCC1 in mosquitos and fruit flies, Tobias McCabe
Tinder Use, Attachment, and Loneliness in College Students, Annie Mogilnicki
“it is the sound of a dream”: Visions of The Real in Frank Stanford’s The Battlefield Where The Moon Says I Love You, Nicolás Pulido Amador
The Choreography of Modernism: Lawrence, Woolf, and Representations of Dance in the Novel, Meredith E. Sauer
Fitness Tradeoffs of Multidrug Efflux Pumps in Escherichia coli K-12 Assessed Through Flow Cytometry Competition Assays, Samantha Schaffner
Factors Contributing to the Peer Acceptance of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among College Students, Samuel Turecki
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
“The King of Jews”: Escalating Tensions Among the Crown, Nobility, Jews and Muslims in Fourteenth Century Castile, Kayla Alcaide
The Medieval Dead: Living with the Restless Dead in the Middle Ages, Michael Audet
Identification and Characterization of Three Putative Beta-Alanine Aminotransferases in Arabidopsis thaliana, Margo Goldfarb
Omnifarious Believing - A Vision as a Spelling of Modern Subjectivity, Adam Hagewiesche
Proliferating Subjectivities: The Work of Chris Ware and Lynda Barry as “L’Écriture Féminine”, Baxter King-Epping
Varieties of Manufacturing: Remedying Rust in the Industrial Heartland, Lucas Kreuzer
Violence and the Neo Fairy Tale, Erin LeVar
“And Are We Not of Interest to Each Other?”: Global Intimacy as a Lens for Literary Analysis, Paola Melissa Liendo
Pleasure in the Present Tense: Mapping Trauma on the Lesbian Horizon, Kylie Lohrenz
El tejido de vida y poesía: La relación entre la vida y la poesía de Concha Méndez en sus primeros años de exilio, Kylie Milliken
Empire of Prejudice, Prejudice of Empire: American Perception of Japanese Power During the Siberian Intervention, Aidan Murphy
Constructing Cold War Masculinity: The US Military and Sex Work in Korea from 1953 to 1992, Lydia Claire O'Donnell