Each student who writes an honors thesis at Kenyon College deposits a copy in our archives. This collection contains electronic copies of those papers, beginning with the those submitted in Spring, 2009.
The archives is currently scanning and digitizing printed theses prior to 2009. This is an ongoing project that will eventually make all honors theses in the archive collection available on Digital Kenyon.
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For current students: honors thesis submission instructions can be found here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
The Life and Mind of Jonathan Mayhew 1720-1766, Earl Newton McCardle Jr.
A.J. Ayer's Concept of Personal Identity, Peter Alfred Norling
Britain and the Pursuit of Power: 1955-1965, James Robert O'Dair Jr.
Free Speech and Law Concerning Judicial Interpretation of the First Amendment in America, Daniel Pickens
Black Mission: A Study of the Evolution of W.E.B. Dubois' Thought, Paul Aldo Piraino
Manganese Adsorption on a Natural Sand Model, Russell M. Potter
England and the Irish Famine: Policy and Response, Alan Jack Rapoport
Violence: A Conceptual Analysis, Michael David Schlemmer
Progressive Reform in Detroit, Mark Kesl Straley
On the Developmental and Molting Physiology of the Horseshoe Crab, Limulus Polyphemus: Studies with Molt Inhibiting Hormones, Robert S. Tomsick
Compensation Following Vestibular Insult in the Kangaroo Rat, Douglas M. Vogeler
An Approach to Hamlet, William Collins Watterson
The Cloak of Folly: A Study of The Lord of the Rings, Robert Willson Weist Jr.
Olfactory Stimulation of the Feeding Response in a Species of Cave and Epigean Crayfish, Christopher Minot Weld Jr.
Education and Politics: A Study of the Superintendency of Doctor Gregory C. Coffin in Evanston, Illinois, Terry David Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Lucien Leuwen: Nosce Te Ipsum, David Peter Adams
Excuses and Reasons: An Essay Concerning their Role on the Structure of our Moral Discourse, Saul Hillel Benjamin
Dislocation of Time in the Modern Novel, Andrew Carl James Bergman
The Loyal Individual: A Study of the Nature of American Citizenship, Robert Steven Bergman
The Significance of Eschatology in Paul, Joel Peter Brereton
"Mirroring Modernity" in the Poetic Forms of William Carlos Williams, William Graham Winslow Brunner
Machiavelli and the Art of War, Richard George Cinquina
Technique in the Poetry of Ezra Pound, Daniel Mark Epstein
Style and Structure in the Irrationality Plays of Euripides, Melvyn Howard Field
Henry James' Children, James William Gaynor Jr.
Senecan Tragedy and the Theatre of Cruelty, Paul Elhanan Halpern
Effects of Aromatic Substitution Upon the Physical Properties of Tetraphenylethylene: A Spectrophotometric Analysis, Richard Raymond Irons
Photochemistry of Potassium Octacyanomolybdate (IV) 2-Hydrate, James Michael Kasick
Seeing: A Philosophical Investigation, Charles Joshua Katz
A Kinetic Investigation of Alpha-Chymotrypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Specific and Non-Specific Ester Substrates in the Presence of Phenylalanine Amide, James Alan Kenning
The Argument from Illusion: An Examination of A.J. Ayer and J.L. Austin, Donald O'Brien Mayer
The Rhetoric of D.H. Lawrence, Phillip Dean Parker
Karl Barth and the Knowledge of the Word of God, Robert Dale Rahmes
A Problem of Persuasion: An Investigation of the Early Fantasy Novels of G.K. Chesterton, Daniel Wayne Reasor
The Role of Emotion in the Works of George Bernard Shaw, Lawrence Alan Ropp
Envrionmental Affects on the Accumulation of Pesticide Residues, Dan Earl Simanek
John Witherspoon; The Education of Statesmen, Robert Alan Strong
The Function of Pheromones in the Mating Behavior of Three Species of Cockroaches, David Neely Taylor
The Photoreceptive Role of the Caudal Ganglion in Orconectes Pellucidus and Orconectes Virilis, David Stuart Thompson
The Eye of Chanticleer: A Study of Thoreau's Aesthetic, Lyn Uttal
An Investigation of Lymphocyte Transformation in Amphibia and its Possible Role in Delayed Hypersensitivity, Arthur Kenneth Vedder
Case Blue: The Events Leading to Stalingrad, Kenneth Harry Watman
Theme and Variations: A Comparison of Handel's Samson with Samson Agonistes, Christopher Reed Woodhouse
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
The Reform of Bureaucracy in Yugoslavia, Thomas Y. Au
Black Political Thought, Richard A. Baehr
The Location of QSOs, Scott Rogers Baird
History and Origins of Assistance to Higher Education in Pennsylvania, Donald K. Bandler
The Concept of the Hidden Wisdom from Proverbs to IV Ezra, William E. Blank
D'Alembert and the Idea of Progress, Peter Henry Brennan
The Reaction of Oxygen with Manganese(II) Chelates, Thomas R. Callihan
Concentration of Polyhydroxy Steroids Showing Molting Hormone Activity in the Plant Taxus, Steven James Collins
James Madison: The Philosophy of Freedom in the American Nation, Brackett B. Denniston III
A Study of Molting, Regeneration and Acclimation in the Larvae of the American Horseshoe Crab, Limulus Polyphemus, Eugene Edward DePasquale
The Tragedy of Historicism: The Idea of History in the Works of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, Peter William Dickson
The Effects of Delay on an Established Response, John A. Ellis
The Foreign Policy of Woodrow Wilson, Theory and Practice, Richard B. Gelfond
State Aid to Private Education in New York, Robert M. Gladstone
R. M. Hare and the Meaning of the Word "Good", Larry David Glass
In Defense of Tradition, Charles M. Kraushar
The Work of William Blake: The Growth of a Christian Prophet, Stephan A. Landsman
Lateral and Vertical Population Movements of Juvenile Blueback Over a 24-hour Period in the Potomac River, Peter D. Lawrason
Limited War and American Democracy, Thomas B. Lifson
A Study of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals as Stationary Phases in Gas Chromatography, Nathan Wise Lipsett
A Qualitative Test for the Effect of Juvenile Hormone on Osmotic Regulation in the Crayfish, Terry Lee MacMath
The Gate to the Enclosure: A Study of the Romantic Imagination of Wallace Stevens, Russell David McDowell
The Language of Hare, Carl Olsson
ΖΕϒΣ ΤΥΡΑΝΝΟΣ [Zeus Turannos], Mossman Roueché Jr.
An Electrophoretic Study of Lactate Dehydrogenase, Roy Leland Ruff
Reproduction in Captive Kangaroo Rats, John Frederick Saari
Population Dynamics of the Red-Headed Woodpecker, Melanerpes Erythrocephalus, in Central Ohio, Philip Randall Sharp
The Effect of Different Labelling Procedures on the Shape of Response Generalization and Reaction Time Gradients, Thomas E. Ulrich
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
The Thermal Conductivity of Indium, James Wittman Babcock
Glycogen Deposition in the Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle of the Embryonic Chick, Lawrence Warner Barnthouse
An Examination of Quine's Refutation of the Analytic-Synthetic Distinction, Glenn Frederick Bender
Incubation Constancy and the Territorial Behavior of the Red-Headed Woodpecker, Melanerpes erythrocephalus, Barry Webster Burkhardt
The Financial Policies of Sir Robert Walpole and Henry Pelham 1717-54, Peter Jeffrey Bussman
An Investigation of Intraspecific Blood Protein Differences in Some Cave Crayfish, Robert Ferree Crooks
Response Enhancement as a Function of Blocking an Instrumental Act at Absolute and Proportional Distances from Start and Goal, Michael Snyder Cross
The Effect of Magnesium Pemoline on the Acquisition of Visual Discrimination in a Thorndikian Choice Situation, Michael William Gaynon
The Face of the English in Irish Literature, 1880-1921: Portrait in Acid, Mark Symington Geston
Refectio Ebora Gubernationis: A Study in Medieval Kingship, James Laurence Gillespie
Jonson -- Donne and Herbert, Gerald Hirsh Goldschmidt
Legislative Apportionment and American Representation, Mark Stanley Greenberg
The Technique of Self-Realization: An Evaluative Study of the Novels of Ernest Hemingway, Daniel Gordon Hale
The Effects of Lithium Chloride on the Early Embryological Development of Rana Pipiens, David Brewster Hanzel
Pair Encounters in Captive Kangaroo Rats, Earl Raymond Heithaus
Herakles in Greek Lyric Poetry, Jeffrey J. Henderson
The Effects of Thyroidectomy Upon Limb Regeneration in the Newt Notophthalamus Viridescens Viridescens, Douglas Edward Hutchninson
Free Press -- Fair Trial, George W. Johnston III
From Wonder into Wonder, Arthur Thaddeus Kosiakowski
The Irreversible Coordination of Molecular Oxygen with a Manganese(II) Chelate Compound, Lawrence Douglas Lilien
The Image of the Flesh: A Study in the Romances of Charles Williams, Eric Edgecombe Linder
The New Testament as Tradition in the Early Church, Ronald Edwin Long
Structural Studies on Helical Smooth Muscle from the Squid, Loligo Pealei, Paul Andrew Lucky
Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Ecstasy of Death, Daniel Hale Melcher
Lying, Secrecy, News Managing and Presidential Leadership, Sanford Neiman
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, John Lloyd Owen III
Civil Disobedience: The Individual's Relation to the Law in Society, William George Peden
American Neutrality and the Spanish Civil War, Jules Bryan Perilman