Each student who writes an honors thesis at Kenyon College deposits a copy in our archives. This collection contains electronic copies of those papers, beginning with the those submitted in Spring, 2009.
The archives is currently scanning and digitizing printed theses prior to 2009. This is an ongoing project that will eventually make all honors theses in the archive collection available on Digital Kenyon.
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For current students: honors thesis submission instructions can be found here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Meanings and Statements of Meaning, John A. Harper
Colorado Mining Wars: 1894-1914, Mark A. Jicha
The Influence of Partial Control and Previous Experience on Stress and the Acquisition of Learned Helplessness, Daniel L. Kleinman
Determination of Plasma Estrogen: Persistent Anovulatory Conditions in the Captive Female Kangaroo Rat Dipodomys, Richard J. Kroeger
The Concentration of C-14 Tagged Dieldrin in Mice as Dependent Upon a High Carbohydrate and a High Protein Diet, Allan D. Lauer
Constructing a Defense for Our Adoption of Deductive Principles, Claudia Murphy
The Politics of Mark Twain: Nature vs. Convention, Janet Noakes
Origins of the Oxford Scientific Tradition, Frank O'Donnell
The Role of the Various Sensory Modalities in the Formation of Aggregations in Brachydanio rerio, Mario A. Orlandi
Randall Jarrell as Critic, Ross Posnock
Preliminary Considerations for a Theory of Functionally Determined Ability Hierarchies, Sheila Jacober Pour
The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Methylmercury Uptake in Goldfish (Carassius auratus), Frank John Rahel
Modern Norway: Fascism Without Followers, Esther Safford
The Psychology of Moral Development, Jane Elizabeth Shatten
Transformation of RNA Uptake Studies in Cells of Higher Plants, Richard B. Smith
Metal Ion Catalysis of Ester Hydrolysis, Frederick A. Specht
The Mossbauer Effect, Stephen C. Thompson
RNA Uptake of Tobacco Leaf Protoplasts, David J. Utlak
Prudence in The Way of the World, Dean Vanek
Segmentation in Sentence Perception, Gregory P. Widin
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Toward an Intructional Program in Communication, Thomas E. Allen
Two Promoting Mechanisms as Possible Factors in Variable Strain Sentitivity to Radiation-Induced Carcinogenisis, Wallace Leon MacLeod Alward
A Comparison of French and American Syndicalism, Mary Anderson
Two Platonic Motifs and their Influence on Early Patristics: A Study of Plato's Account of the Soul and Theory of Ideas and Their Impact, Paul William Bechtel
Keats's Relationship with Beauty and Truth: Onward from Negative Capability, Lynda Jean Bernays
Mann in Weimar, Cathy Carter
Malraux and Myth, Mark Center
An Approach to the Religious Growth of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Thomas Andrew Daniel
Modern Politics and Political Leadership: A Study in Walter Lippmann and Edmund Burke, Paul Joseph Dellasega
Imagery and its Relation to External Stimulation, Howard Scott Gantman
"To Laugh Mankind of its Favorite Follies and Vices" -- Hogarth and Fielding: The Rise of the Novel and the Modern Moral Series, Darlene Ann Gaughan
Elbert Hubbard and Roycroft: The Morrisian Adoption, Pegi Goodman
The Failure of Love in The Great Gatsby, Patrick Sean Guilfoyle
The Effect of Fertilizer on Soil Bacteria, Thomas Bickford Keen Hewitt Jr.
The Persona in Hemingway, Miller and Mailer: The Rhetoric of the "I" in the Last Fifty Years, David Jeffrey Highsmith
Tradition and Invisible Man, Barbara Lee Johnson
Freedom, Responsibility, and Causality: A Discussion of Free Will, Steven Charles Jones
A Study of the Interactions of Ouabain with the Metals Copper (II), Manganese (II) and Magnesium (II), Lloyd William Klein
Democracy, the Poet and the Heroic Individual: A Comparison of the Political Thought of Whitman and Wordsworth, Bonnie M. Klomp
A History of the Cherokee Nation: From Earliest Times to 1838, Betty Kathryn Koeninger
Astrophil and Stella: A Commentary, Denise Largent
The Distribution and Elimination of 14C-Chlordane in the Domestic Hen, Dean A. Madar
The Preparation of Oxindoles and Model Dissymmetric Compounds via Intramolecular Cyclization of N-Aryl-Alpha.B-Unsaturated Amides, James Mark Maisel
The Effects of a Growth Hormone (Indole-3-Acetic Acid) on the Biosynthesis of Zea Mays Histones, Dennis M. Parker
The Concept of Cavod in the Old Testament, Winston Hamilton Pickett Jr.
The Bradycardia Response as a Measure of Stress in Learned Helplessness in Rats, Michael R. Pour
E.E. Cummings: A Disappearing Poet of Always, Michael Pullem
Catherine de Medici and the French Wars of Religion, Jacqueline Robbins
The Effect of Nitrate Upon the Oxygen Consumption of Goldfish, Mark S. Rosenberg
Wyoming Valley: A Social History of an Immigrant Community, W. Roger Scott
Statesmanship and the Genius of the American People, Jeffrey Leigh Sedgwick
Lawrence Ferlinghetti's Renaissance of Wonder, Robert L. Silloway
Portraits of American Ladies: Innocence, Experience, and Gentility, Thomas P. Stamp
On the True Foundation of Political Duties in the Writings of John Locke, Dennis Gordon Stevens
Wittgenstein on Our Concept of Necessity, Shelley Liane Stillwell
British Foreign Policy and the Balkan Crisis of 1875-1878, Robert Charles Stoddart
The Soviet Strategic Arms Challenge 1962-1972, Scott Michael Univer
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Wordsworth's Prelude and the Epic Tradition, David B. Arnett
John Donne's Anniversaries: A Critical Reading, William David Bailey
Peasant Society in Anglo-Saxon England, Richard C. Balaban
Continuitues of Thought in Auden's Poetry: A Comparative Study of the Thirty Lyrics of Poems (1933) and "Thanksgiving for a Habitat", David L. Bergman
Physiological of the Biosynthesis of Betanin in Beta Vulragis Leaf Discs, Seth Martin Black
Marx and Human Alienation, Gerald Chalphin
Frege: The Analysis of Propositions and Predication, Philip Chimento
Kenkesey: Two Novels, One Notion, William Spencer Cline
Searle's Concept of Rules, Lawrence P. Enright
The Alpha-Chymotrypsin Catalyzed Reactions of N-Actyl-L-Phenylalanine-(+ or -)-2-Butyl Ester in the Presence of (+ or -)-2-Butanol, Jeffrey N. Feldman
Ortega y Gasset: Culture and Circumstance, Robert Philip Fine
Genomic Interaction and its Effect on Developmental and Chromosomal Instability in Interspecific Hybrids of Nicotiana, Michael Justin Grauel
Catalytic Hydrolysis of Potassium Ethyl Oxalate by Various Copper (II) Complexes, Jeffrey W. Hayes
Protein Synthesis and Development in Marine Embyos, Murk-Hein Heinemann
Nascent Dissent: A Study of Political Reform in England from 1760-1795, Edward C. Johnson
After the Crisis: The Failure of Historicism in the Works of Spengler, Huizinga, and Croce, James A. Klein
The Responsible Theatre: A Not-So-New Manifesto, Todd Page Leavitt
The Communal Quest for Eden: A Introductory Study of Dante's Political Thought in the Commedia, Jeffrey L. Newton
The Communal Quest for Eden: A Introductory Study of Dante's Political Thought in the Commedia, Jeffrey L. Newton
Two Elements of Kantian Philosophy, James F. Peterman
The Faulknerian Initiation into Manhood, James Robert Pugh
Machiavelli's Life of Petrucio Castruccio: History, Politics, and Fortune, Todd Jeffrey Rosenberg
Fidelity to the Idea: The "Destructive Element" in Conrad's Fiction, Sara Elizabeth Sedgwick
Some Aspects of Wanting, Alan M. Spiro
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
A Study on the Molting Physiology of Limulus Polyphemus Larvae, Jonathan Paul Alspaugh
Reproductive Physiology of the Captive Female Kangaroo Rat, Dipodomys Ordii, Carl W. Armstrong
The Blues Poetry of Langston Hughes, Douglas Bootes
Investigation of N-Etahoxycarbonyl-2ethoxy-1, 2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ), David Anthony Caplin
Studies on Proteolytic Enzyme, Rennin, George Stephen Cashell
The Loss of Nature in American Cities, Stephen F. Christy Jr.
A Critical Analysis of Marcusean Thought: Its Genesis and Development, Clark James Dougan
An Approach to the Meeting and Meaning in James Joyce's Ulysses, David Thomas Duff
The Power of the Dog: British Foreign Policy Regarding Italy Between the World Wars: (1919-1939), Bruce Dunlavy
The Salem Witchcraft: A Study of Paranoia in History, Peter Booth Eldridge
The Individual and the Family in Faulkner, Ransom Griffin III
The Sources and Content of Hitlerian Thought, Hal Robert Griffith
"Three Novels" by Samuel Beckett: A Textual Study of Molloy, With Remarks on Malone Dies and The Unnamable, Paul David Kahn
Moderating American Democracy: Tocqueville to the Present, Paul M. Kaufman
The Influence of Body Weight, Sex, and Acclimation Temperature on the Metabolism of the Cave Crayfish, Orconectes Pellucidus, John Y. Killen Jr.
Leadership vs. Progress or The Party-Colored Brownian Movement, Bruce C. Landis
Herder's Analysis of the Old Testament as a Work of Folk Literature, Harold Abraham Levy
The Development of Managerial Psychology, Robert Nathan Mayer