Each student who writes an honors thesis at Kenyon College deposits a copy in our archives. This collection contains electronic copies of those papers, beginning with the those submitted in Spring, 2009.
The archives is currently scanning and digitizing printed theses prior to 2009. This is an ongoing project that will eventually make all honors theses in the archive collection available on Digital Kenyon.
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For current students: honors thesis submission instructions can be found here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Social Sex Selection in Jordan: Value Systems Converge, Sarah C. Miller
Sex Differences in Dopamine D2 Receptor Modulation of Striatal Dopamine in mGluR5-mediated Repetitive Self-grooming Behavior in the BTBR T+tf/J Mouse Model for Autism, Olubusola O. Olukoya
A Vampire for the Times: The Queer Historicity of the Vampire, Christine A. Prevas
Explaining the Margin: The Margin of Appreciation Doctrine in Article 9 Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, Kelsey L. Randhawa
Paupers, Pariahs, Patients: Lepers in Medieval Europe, Nicholas B. Rogers
Reheating the Universe, Timothy R. Scully
Beholding the Handmaids of the Lord: The Virgin Mary as Model in Thirteenth-Century Anchoritic Texts, Lydia Shahan
Cooled Relations, Cold War Sentiments, and Frozen Conflicts: The Ukraine Crisis and its Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy, Corbin J. Stevens
Via ad Cantuaria: Developments in English Pilgrimage Culminating in the Cult of St Thomas Becket, Julia Tomlinson
The Struggle for the AIRwaves: The Origin and Transformation of All India Radio in Late Colonial India, Anna M. Walley
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Molecular Characterization of Na+-dependent Cation-Chloride Coupled Cotransporters in the Yellow Fever Mosquito Aedes aegypti, Daniel C. Akuma
Tibetan Contention and the Chinese Regime: The Dynamics of Protest and Policy, Lauren Berke
Size-frequency distributions in forest and non-forest plant communities: A comparison of alternative models, Kelsey T. Dillon
A Garden for Viviana, Jameyanne Fuller
Political Cognition: Brains, Campaigns, and Society, Jonathan I. Green
Acid-adapted strains of Escherichia coli K-12 obtained via laboratory evolution, Mark M. Harden Jr
“El violento oficio de escribir”: el uso político de la crónica en las obras de Rodolfo Walsh y Carlos Monsiváis, Simon M. Hoellerbauer
MORE THAN JUST A GAME: The Black Athlete in America's Debate on Race in the Twentieth Century, Michael Kengmana
Selem, Jessica M. Lieberman
Unity Under the Cross: Norway’s Christianization and State Formation in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries, Andrea M. Odegaard
Market Structure in Minimally Regulated Liquor Markets, Josiah T. Olson
Writing It Out: Queer Narrativity in the Novels of Barnes, Woolf, and Larsen, Aaron J. Stone
The Multiplicity of Truth: Constructing the Story, Reina Janelle Thomas
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
汉语中的性别 = Gender within the Chinese Language, Haley Abing
Un autoportrait sur Japonaises: Stratégies de l’autobiographie et de l’authenticité performative dans les Nouvelles Mangas de Frédéric Boilet, Holly Anderson
En charge des marges : l’évolution du logement social et de l’exclusion dans l’agglomération parisienne (1945-1958), Philip Ayers
Permanence as Policy: San Francisco's Middle Class and Its Changing Ideology, 1959-1986, Remy Bernstein
The Alkaline Stress Response in Escherichia coli: RpoS-Controlled Loci are Vital to High pH Resistance, Jackson Cabo
Numerical Simulations of Non-Canonical Scalar Fields, Hillary L. Child
The Effects of Serotonergic Anxiolytic and Anxiogenic Drugs on Acoustic Features of 22-kHz Vocalizations of Distressed Rats, Rachel Cooper
Acid adaptation in Escherichia coli requires the TolC outer membrane channel and associated multidrug resistance efflux pumps, Kari Deininger
Numerical Simulations of Post-Inflationary Magnetogenesis, J. Tate Deskins
Structuring Inequality: Power and Gender among Hijras, Vestidas, and Travestis, Alexandra Devenport
The Role of Methylmalonate Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase in Arabidopsis thaliana Seed Development and Germination, Andrew Gipson
Ethnic Group Stereotypes and Crime: Examining the Nature of Implicit Attitudes toward Drug-Related and Violent Crime, Jesse Goldfarb
Changes to Yin Yang Philosophy Throughout Early Chinese History, Rachel Gorsky
Effects of Sexualized Clothing on Women's Appearance Anxiety, State Anxiety, Assertiveness, and Performance, Claire Greenfield
Colonialism and Conversation: The Dialogues of Swift, Jill Hanley
Sehen/Lesen/Träumen: räumliche Identitäten in Arthur Schnitzlers Traumnovelle, Paul Hoehn
The effects of caffeine and a caffeine placebo on state-dependent learning of three cognitive tasks in human participants, Karen Huntsman
Coloured Intellectual Identity in Cape Town 1900-1948, Sarah Krumholz
The Neverland Come True: Peter Pan and the Construction of Childhood, Melissa Nigro
Captivity and the Frontier in Miguel de Cervantes' Narratives of Captivity, Rincon Luis Rodriguez
Music, Inside-Out, and Kenyon College: A Feasibility Study of Prison-based Learning, Stella Ryan-Lozon
The Freedom to Marry: The Development of a Civil Rights Ideology, 1945 - 1967, Rebecca Spradlin
Taizé: Religious Community in Post-Christian Societies, Gregory Stark
Telenovelas’ Viewing and Gender Role Attitudes among a Sample of Young Latinas in the United States, Melek Yildiz-Spinel
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Multiple Modernities of Republican Shanghai, Mark Elliot Bosse
Smart or Sexy: Perceptions of Women Based on Sexualized Dress and Level of Accomplishment, Hope Boyd
Viewing the Risorgimento: Political Representations of the Risorgimento in Film, Adam Burger
A Summer Place: The Minority Experience on the West Coast of Michigan, Sarah Bush
Samuel Beckett entre vide et récit : l’automatisme de répétition dans Molloy, Ian W. Curtis
Effects of the Food Stamp Program on Household Food Insecurity, Mallory Ewer-Speck
The Cross-Dressed Muse: "Dragging" Shakespeare into the Twenty-First Century Through Feminist Re-Visions, Caitlin Fitzpatrick
Songs from a Licorice Stick, Marika Garland
A Different Kind of Empire: Benjamin Franklin's Politics and His Vision for America, Jessica Goley
Examining the Relationship Between Self-Compassion and Body Appreciation, Kaitlin Graff
A Dream Come True: The Fairy-Tale Mystique and the Wedding Culture Industry, Gillian Gualtieri
Nothing and "No-Place": Idealized New World Landscapes in Thomas More's Utopia and Sixteenth Century Travel Narratives, Samuel Harris
The Safest Lie, Noah Heinrich
College Students' Perceptions of Male and Female Binge Drinkers, Anna Krause
An Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Mordell's Theorem, Katherine Moore
Stigma as a Barrier to Care in the United States Military: Recommendations for a Military-Specific Stigma Reduction Program, Kevin O'Brien
“[L]as light nada más somos las mujeres”: Cultura popular, canon y feminismo en la literatura mexicana “light”, Chris Philpot
Mongrel-Girl As Poet: Mina Loy's Lifelong Search for Modernist Identity, Mara Pottersmith
The Effects of Anoxic Conditions on the Extreme-Acid Survival of Escherichia coli, Daniel Riggins
Re-defining Identity: A Study of the Ch'orti' and Tourism, Katia Roque
The Politics of Congressional Wave Elections, Jacob Smith
Decolonizing Representation through Metafiction in J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace and Elizabeth Costello, Brooke Stanley
¡Qué viva México! Del realismo socialista al sarape, Alisa Vereshchagin
Relative expression of select genes in the Manduca sexta midgut, Kelly Wahl
Perfectionism: Rediscovering Freedom Without Free Will, Robert Hamilton Wallace Jr.
Crop Insurance in Emerging Markets: Predicting Risk Aversion in Ethiopian Farmers, Marika West
Blacked Out Memories and Best Selling Memoirs: Alcohol and the Woman Writer, Nicolyn Woodcock
Midgut transporter gene expression and RNA interference in the larvae of Manduca sexta, Aaron Yeoh
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Exploring a Novel Enamine/Enal Cycloaddition and Its Application to Natural Product Synthesis, James Beckett
Nationalsozialistische Homosexuellenverfolgung im Kontext der Konstruktion von Männlichkeit im Europa des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts, Cole Dachenhaus
Plant community assembly and the role of species identity, abundance, and intraspecific functional trait variability in alpine meadows, Amanda Henderson
Reading Novels: Romance Residue & The Early Novel, Tracey Hutchings-Goetz
“Sexy Young Things”: What Dressing “Sexy” Means for Young Girls, Alexandra Kirsch
Theatrics of Invention: Performing Gender and Nation in Three Novels by Elizabeth Bowen, Katherine Kremer
The effect of larval stage, midgut region, and dietary protein concentration on Aminopeptidase N isoform mRNA expression in Manduca sexta caterpillars, Emily Lewandowski
The Patronage of Lodovico Capponi, Stephen Mack
À côté de l’Afrique Une étude historique, sociologique, et littéraire de l’écriture et l’identité malgache, Rachel Martin
The Interplay Between English Ability, Enclaves, and Earnings for Chinese Immigrants, Cloie McClellan
The Grotesque Nude in Contemporary Art: Jenny Saville, Robert Gober, Renée Cox, Benjamin McMillan
Evidence of Staggered Inflation in the Cosmic Microwave Background, Evan Pease
Steady-State Kinetic Characterization of Sarcoplasmic Calcium-Binding Protein Variants from Procambarus clarkii, Suzanne Rohrback
Ludwig Feuerbach and the Religion of Humanity, Julia Smith
Development of a Robust Expression System for E. coli Maltose-Binding Protein and a Novel Fluorescence Assay to Characterize Ligand Binding, Margaret Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Cincinnati’s Contemporary Arts Center: Zaha Hadid’s Response to the White Cube Ideology and the Advancement of the Museum Design Dialectic, Peter Dumbadze
Female athletes and the sport environment: positive and negative influences on body image and weight management, Nora Erickson
Al-Jazeera: the origin and transformation of the global news network, Laura Garland