Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

First Advisor

Murnen, Sarah


Although previous studies have shown connections between consumption of Spanish media and endorsement of more traditional gender role attitudes among Latinos in the U.S. (Ward & Rivadeneyra, 2005,) no studies have examined this connection between telenovelas, Spanish soap operas, and young Latinas’ gender role attitudes. Surveying 152 Latinas it was found that Latinas who watched more telenovelas reported higher levels of benevolent sexism and traditional dating attitudes. Participants who reported higher levels of perceived realism of the content of telenovelas had higher levels of hostile sexism, benevolent sexism and traditional dating attitudes. Hierarchical regression showed that while viewing amount was correlated with gender role beliefs, different factors related to viewer involvement with the content explained better the connection between telenovelas’ watching and traditional gender role attitudes among Latinas. Learning motivations predicted hostile sexism and traditional attitudes about dating, and entertainment motivations and active viewing predicted benevolent sexism. Results showed that watching telenovelas’ for entertainment purposes moderated the relationship between amount of viewing time and benevolent sexism. The predictors in the study explained more variability in benevolent sexism than the other gender role belief measures.


Includes bibliographical references (p. 28-30)

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