This collection is the institutional archive of final projects created as part of the Kenyon Summer Science Scholars Program.
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Submissions from 2023
Sexual Dimorphism in Size Adjusted Keel Lengths of Some Birds, Adrian Lee and Natalie Wright
Effects of early postnatal DEHP treatment on sexual dimorphic, androgen-sensitive features in rats, Issachar Lopez, Jolien Kusi, and Lauren Rudolph
Photon Calibration in Advanced Ligo Detectors in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Emmanuel Makelele and Madeline Wade
The Templated-Growth Method using HDPCVD for the Fabrication of Resonators, Benjamin Manning, Ken Davis, and Peter Duda
Understanding Protein Function through a Structure-function Study of 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase from Arabidopsis thaliana, Makarios McCune and Kerry A. Rouhier
Examining a Dark Matter Candidate with a Dirac-Born-Infeld-Like Equation of Motion, Amanda Miller and Tom Giblin
Folk Dance Notation Challenges Explored through the Dançi Experience, Catherine Mori and Julie Brodie
Regulation of cation-chloride cotransporters, Grace Neuger and Christopher M. Gillen
Mutations Within the DNA-Binding Domains of Human Ligase 1 Debilitate Enzymatic Function, Maria A. Peacock and Patrick J. O'Brien
Varying energy level alignment in molecular complexes of electron donors with a rylene diimide acceptor, Alyssa Perez and Katherine Mauck
Characterizing Coherent Three-Body Excitation Using Spin Echo, and Digital Holography Techniques with a Spatial Light Modulator, Gabriella Pesticci and Aaron Reinhard
Modeling the Universe with Kinetic Reheating, Reid D. Pfaltzgraff-Carlson and Tom Giblin
Cloud Controller and Web Portal for an Open-Source Managed Wi-Fi Solution, Michelle Polak, Irina Beshentseva, and James Skon
Lumbriculus variegatus Tolerance to H2O2, Seryne H. Rafique and Kathy M. Gillen
E.coli K-12 AcrAB-TolC and MdtEF-TolC Selection Patterns: Organosulfur and Synthetic Organic Compounds, Slaybrina D.R. Raphael, Joan Slonczewski, and Zachary C. Slimak
Impacts of Sexual Dimorphism on House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) Vertical Flight, Olivia Rataezyk, Elizabeth Cramer, Adrian Lee, et al.
Fluctuations of Dissolved Ion Concentrations in Rainwater Across Years in Central Ohio, Jeremy Roberts and Ruth Heindel
Generalized Thue-Morse Turtle Curves, Leif Schaumann and Judy Holdener
Sediment composition, characteristics, and mineral weathering processes in supraglacial ice and snowbanks, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Jordan Schisler, Will Bryant, and Ruth Heindel
Exciting Three-Body Rydberg States With Ramsey Interferometry and Spin Echo, Lucy Shamel and Aaron Reinhard
Identification and Validation of Potential Novel Therapeutic Targets in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)h, Zhiya (Cathy) Song and Lingbo Zhang
Impact of Mnemonics and Iconicity on Recall of ASL Animal Sign, Bella Strickland and Tabitha Payne
Queering Public Spaces: The Role of Collective Effervescence on Community Space, Hannah Sussman and Austin Johnson
Characterizing effects of neuronal defects in NFU1 mutants on chemosensation in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of Multiple Mitochondrial Dysfunction Syndrome I, Kavya Thaker and Peter Kropp
Links between floristic quality of restored Conservation Reserve Program wetlands and greenhouse gas emissions, Rachael Tomasko and Siobhan Fennessy
Comparing Nonparametric Tests for Interaction in Two-way ANOVA with Balanced Replications, Khue Tran and Bradley A. Hartlaub
Refugees in limbo: Japan's Immigration Predicament, Mia Tsuchida, Taku Suzuki, Long Tran, et al.
Cationic Antiseptics as Larvicides for Aedes aegypti, Lynne Usanase and Matthew F. Rouhier
Nod2 regulates a T-cell-mediated tradeoff between resistance to fungal infection in resident kidney cells and IL-17A arthritis, Andrew M. Van Horn and Et al.
Determining Minimum Detectable Amplitude of Gravitational Wave Glints with LIGO, Michael Van Keuren, Leslie Wade, and Madeline Wade
What Makes the Ideal Byzantine Empress?, Maya Virdell
Economic Valuation of BFEC Forests, Vincent Vispo and Robert Alexander
Experimental Archaeology with Woven Mat Technology, Olivia Westley-Sherman and Bruce Hardy
The shocking story of electrogenic cation transporters., Ryan Yarcusko and Christopher M. Gillen
Submissions from 2022
Trio A as Evolving Artifact: Memory, Notation, and Pedagogy, Erika Abe and Julie Brodie
Phenotype and Breeding Site Selection in North American barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster), Lindsey Abramson, Toshi Tsunekage, and Iris Levin
tcf15 Promotes Co-Migration of Axons and Neural Crest Cells in Developing Sensory Nerves, Bennett Andrassy and Sarah Petersen
Observing the Role of Protein Localization in Regulating Growth Through the Hippo Pathway, Zachary L. Baker, Sherzod A. Tokamov, and Richard G. Fehon
Bioassays for Characterization of a Novel AHR-null Xenopus tropicalis Frog Line, Keller Bueneman, Zhiyu (Cathy) Song, and Wade Powell
Effects of Gender on Accessing Care in Knox County, Chloe Cameron
Analysis of Acetylcholine Receptors & Behavioral Propensities in tcf15stl159 Zebrafish Mutants, Tara N. Cerny and Sarah C. Petersen
Artists in the Making: The Impact of Charles White and Otis College of Art and Design on Kerry James Marshall, David Hammons, and Alonzo Davis, Nora Chapman and Alexandra Courtois de Vicose
Levels of Privilege in Present Indie Music, Mikayla Connolly and Ross Feller
No-Go Theorems in Modal Quantum Theory, Phillip Diamond and Benjamin Schumacher
The cycling DOF factors of the moss Physcomitrium patens can form a heterodimer in yeast, Gillian Doty, Lauren Woodward Hartzler, and Karen A. Hicks
Small Quantum and Classical Alarm Clocks, Bea Fatima and Benjamin Schumacher
Farmland Restoration in Knox County, Ohio, Anna Clare Fleenor and Siobhan Fennessy
Early Modern Cartography at the Lloyd Library, Abigail Foster and Justin Rivest
Screening of Organic Semiconductor molecules for charge transfer complexation, Maddie Friday and Katie Mauck
Identifying Organic Archaeological Materials on Neanderthal Stone Tool Replicas via X-Ray Diffraction, Greta Galli, Bruce Hardy, and Frank Pieris
Sudmaliņas and Pērkoņdejas: Notating Latvian Folk Dance, Claire Goldberger and Julie Brodie
γ-Acyl-ε-Caprolactone Synthesis, Tapiwa Gono Phiri and Yutan Getzler
Exciting Three-Body Rydberg States With Ramsey Interferometry, Emily Hirsch and Aaron Reinhard
Spectroscopic Analysis of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Liz Houser, Frank Peiris, Thomas McKnight, et al.
Exploring the Origins of T Peripheral Helper Cells, Eva Illuzzi, Nardos Cheru, David Hafler, et al.
Effects of Nonlinear Processes in Cosmological Preheating, Natalie Jackson and Tom Giblin
Painting Sound: Cross-Modal Integration as a Form of Art Therapy, Bella Kern and Tabitha Payne
Adult Caregiving as a Barrier to Health Care Access in Knox County, Leah Kessler and Jan Thomas
Mapping the Temperature-dependent Dielectric Functions of Thermo-responsive Polymers, Samuel Kovach, Huijun Mao, and Frank Peiris
Income and Healthcare Access in Knox County, Sydney Landstrom and Kimmarie Murphy
Predictors of Embodiment among American and Chinese Women, Yanying Li and Sarah Murnen
Secretion Assay Experimentation on NCC83 in Drosophila melanogaster, Emi Loucks and Christopher M. Gillen
Building a Workbench for Implementing and Testing Error-Correcting Codes, Yiyang Lu, James Skon, and Nuh Aydin
Search for New Linear Codes Through the BCH Bound and Its Generalizations, Fatma Mahmoud and Nuh Aydin
Synthesis of Quinone Methide Precursors for the Treatment of Organophosphorus Poisoning, Benjamin Manning, Kenny Nguyen, Annie Buck, et al.
Factors Affecting Sexual and Gender Minorities During the COVID-Era, Sophia Markey and Austin Johnson
Designing Charge Transfer Interactions in Thiophene Diketopyrolopyrrole (TDPP) Derivatives, Jack McClellan and Katie Mauck
Motor Nerve Development and Neural Crest Cell Migratory Dynamics in tcf15stl159, Maximos McCune and Sarah C. Petersen
How Social Comparisons with Video Publishers on TikTok Affects Body Image and Self Esteem, Jacqueline McKeown and Patrick J. Ewell
Exploring the Cellular Diversity in Gut Touch, Paige Milhon, Hannah Serlin, and Arthur Beyder
Audience Member’s Parasocial Relationship to Twitch Streamers, Zoe Miller and Patrick Ewell
Seeing Double: Assortative Mating in the North American Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica erythrogaster, Omar J. Morosse and Iris Levin
The Effects of Land Restoration Techniques of Post- agricultural Soil on Mycorrhizal Colonization, Liz Navratil, Ruth Heindel, and Siobhan Fennessy
Elizabeth Inchbald: Professional Woman Writer, Zoe Neirink and Margaret Yoon
Power Study of Nonparametric Tests for Interaction in Two-Way ANOVA, Andrew Nguyen and Bradley A. Hartlaub
Hoskins Frame Summer Science Writing Scholars, Lara O'Callaghan, Imani Rucker, Bryn Savidge, et al.
An Updated Database of ℤ4 codes, Vishad Onta and Nuh Aydin
An algorithm to find elements of large order in Z∗N, Suarav R. Pandey, Ghaith Hiary, and Jonathan Hales
Assessing Methods for RNA Interference in Lumbriculus Variegatus, Iris Pardue and Kathy Gillen
Origin of the Coupling of Retinoic Acid to Hindbrain Segmentation, Erika A. Pontillo, Alice M.H. Bedois, Hugo Parker, et al.
Knox County Intel Perspectives, Joseph Pozo and Katie Black
Synchronous Swallows: How Breeding Synchrony Changes with Colony Size, Ammar Ralsan and Iris Levin
Characterizing Circadian Regulation of the Physcomitrium Patens Transcriptome, Sofia Rehrig, Lauren Woodward Hartzler, and Karen A. Hicks
Examining Exposure to Particulate Matter Along an Urban-Agricultural Gradient, Sadie Richards and Ruth Heindel
Free Riders and Fortresses: Understanding Housing Spillover Effects, Peter Sachs and David Foster
Dirac-Born-Infeld Inflation, Sophie Schmitz and Tom Giblin
Investigating the Coherence Time of Three-Body Mixed States Through Ramsey Interferometry, Dilara Sen and Aaron Reinhard
Upgrading the MOT to Observe Three-Body State Mixing of RB 43D5/2 States, Lucy Shamel and Aaron Reinhard
Evaluating The Effect of Maternal Prenatal Corticosterone Treatment on MCT8 Expression in the Mouse Placenta, Colin Shin, Alejandro Paulino, and Arianna Smith
Understanding Regional Dominance in South Asia: Neocolonialism or a New Era?, Samyak Shrestha and Wendy Singer
Cation Transport Activity of Drosophila Ncc83 Expressed in Oocytes, Hemmi Song and Christopher Gillen
Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbance and Restoration on Microbial Community Metabolic Profiles in Ohio Wetlands, Rachael Tomasko and Siobhan Fennessy
Lipophilic Weak Acids Select Against Multidrug Resistance in E. coli K-12, Andrew M. Van Horn, Yangyang Liu, Rachel Chen, et al.
The Effect of pH Stress on E. faecalis OG1RF Biofilm Formation, Ayman Wadud and Joan Slonczewski
Manufacturing Unity: How Populists Use History and National Identity to Win, Ashita Wagh and Pamela Camerra-Rowe
An Examination of James Baldwin's Faith, Benjamin Weiner and Matthew Suazo
Object Biographies: Queer Experiences in Central Ohio, Ocean Wei and Khadene Harris
Determining if RNAi Can Reduce Actin Expression in Lumbriculus variegatus, Boyu Yang and Kathy Gillen
Relationship between Mental and Physical Health Disparities in Knox County, Yuqi (Jill) Zheng and Jessie Greenlee
Submissions from 2020
Correlation of Childhood Adversity and Perceptions of Media, Henry W. Biedron and Patrick J. Ewel