Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2022


Circadian clocks are endogenous feedback loops that regulate gene expression across a 24 hour period (1). They can be entrained by changes in environmental conditions like daylength and temperature, allowing organisms to precisely time biological processes to environmental changes and make energy consumption more efficient (2). In plants, clock mechanisms play roles in regulating processes such as growth regulation, seasonal control of flowering, and responses to abiotic and biotic stress (1). Our group studies the evolutionary history and mechanisms of seasonally regulated sexual reproduction in land plants, using the model moss species Physcomitirum patens (P. patens). Clock mechanisms are important factors in timing seasonal reproduction in angiosperms, so this project aims to characterize circadian regulation of the P. patens transcriptome. Approximately 6% of the 24,982 genes detected in our dataset are under circadian regulation, accounting for a much smaller portion of the P. patens transcriptome than the 30-37% reported in Arabidopsis thaliana (3), or the more than 70% reported in Brassica rapa (4). Preliminary results indicate that the P. patens clock has a free running period of 25-26 hours, and current work is investigating the predicted functions of the circadian set of genes through GO enrichment analysis.



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