This collection is the institutional archive of final projects created as part of the Kenyon Summer Science Scholars Program.
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Submissions from 2008
YagU: an Acid-Resistance Protein of the Escherichia Coli Inner Membrane, Devon Fitzgerald
The relationship between body surface area and morphological midgut growth of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, Anna Frutiger
Cloning and Characterization of LmaPBP from the Cockroach, Rhypharobia (Leucophaea) maderae, Allison Goldsmith
Abundancy Spiral – Exploring Diagonal Patterns, Ziyue Guo
Mapping Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) Land Use in the Face of Anthropogenic Activity, Jennifer Howard
Sporophyte Induction in Response to Photoperiod in Physcomitrella patens, Basil Kahwash
A Meta Analysis of Taijin-Kyofusho Symptomatology and Social Phobia Disorder, Dan Lakin
A Model for Crystallization with Laser Tweezers, Robert Long
Determining the Phonon Characteristics of BexZn1-xTe Alloy, Nirajan Mandal
The Effect of Multidentate Ligands on Zinc Oxide Crystal Growth, Kat Meagley
Biological Implications of Metabolic Scaling in Tobacco Hornworm (Manduca sexta), Sasha Minium
Sports Media and Athletes as Male Role Models, Daniel Prager
The Form of Perfect and Multiperfect Numbers, Kaitlin Rafferty
Parental Feeding in Leach’s Storm Petrels, Dustin Schneider
Gender role and anxiety: a meta analysis, Rita Seabrook
Growth rates of Manduca sexta on artificial and natural diets, Pratima Shanbhag
Determining Whether Increased Fronto-parietal and Interhemispheric Coherence is a Phenotype of Epilepsy, Nathan Spagnola
Controlled Formation of Arrays of Zinc Oxide Nanorods, Emily Staudenmaier
Novel Biodiesel Reactor Utilizes Stainless Steel Yarn To Provide High Surface to Volume Ratio For Biphasic Reaction, Phan Truong
Computational Molecular Modeling of Alzheimer’s Drug Derivatives, Cathy Ulman
The Characterization of Residues on Pounding Tools: An Avenue For Identification in the Archaeological Record, Rebecca Warren
Statistical modeling of real time PCR data for membrane transporter expression in Manduca sexta larvae, Kathleen Woods
Thermal Lens Spectroscopy and Its Applications, Yinan Yu
Messages to CosmoGirls about Identity and Appearance: Comparisons of Adult and Teen Magazine Content, Lauren Zurbrugg
Submissions from 2007
A Direct Nanoscale Investigation of ZnO Surfaces During Crystal Growth, David Black
Modeling Caterpillars, Jim Boston
Heritability of telomere length in a wild population of Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis), Sara Brinda
Assortative mating by foot color in the black guillemot (Cepphus grylle ), Elizabeth Carlton
pH dependent gene expression in Bacillus subtilis, Sarah Cleeton
The Abundancy Index: Tracking Down Outlaws, Laura Czarnecki
Cahn-Hilliard Simulation, Pushkar Dahal
Expression and characterization of the Na-K-Cl cotransporter, masBSC, in Sf9 cells, Ann Downer
The Role of Trust in the Consumer's Choice to Buy Locally, Megan Duffy
Investigating Leach's storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) body condition over the incubation period, Stuart Fety
Determinants and variation of the sex ratio in the Eastern Bluebird, Siala sialis, Hilary Franke
The morphological growth of the midgut of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sextain relation to body surface area, Anna Frutiger
Early Childhood Education and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Children: A Meta-Analytic Review, Elisa Garcia
The Effect of Athletic Participation on Self-Esteem: A Meta-Analysis, Tom Geiger
Memories of Food and Season Extension Among Elderly in Ohio, Anne Gianakos
Cloning and Characterization of Lma PBP from the Cockroach, Rhypharobia (Leucophaea) maderae, Allison Goldsmith
Living on the Edge: Residential Structures in and Around El Cafetal, El ParaÃso Valley, Honduras Anthropology, Thomas Gonyea
Computational Modeling of Astrocytic Glutamate Input to Neurons, Elizabeth Hansen
The Effects of 22-kHz Ultrasonic Vocalization Duration on Defensive Behavior in Rats, Christian Hinderer
Sequence Determinants of Ligand Binding Affinity in the Xenopus laevis Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor, Sarah Holzman
The Effect of Alliaria petiolata and Fertilization on Photosynthetic Rates in Acer saccharum and Quercus alba, Kaleb Keyserling
Benchmarking the New Miller Observatory Site, Joey Konieczny
Responsiveness of a Xenopus laevis cell line to aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands TCDD and FICZ, Leo Laub
The Electrostatics of a Colloidal Particle Near Two Plates, Thomas Linz
Investigating the Optical Properties of Doped Amorphous Glasses, Nirajan Mandal
Three Variants of Sarcoplasmic Calcium-Binding Protein DNA Found in Axial and Cardiac Tissues of Procambarus clarkii, Michael Northcutt
The Binding of Carboxylates to ZnO Surfaces, Andrew Pohlman
Food Choice and its Effects on Nutritional Status: Assessment of Children at a Rural Ohio Head Start, Kate Sanders
Affect and Cognitive Failures: A Comparison of Positive and Negative Mood Factors, Michael Schnapp
Media Influences on Adolescents and Emerging Adults, Carlin Shoemaker
Foot Color, Antioxidant Concentrations, and Catalse Activity in Breeding Black Guillemots (Cepphus Grylle), Shaina Stewart
The effect of the invasive garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) on levels of herbivory in white oak and sugar maple seedlings, Ellen Thompson
The Effects of Cold Acclimation on Calmodulin in the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, Lexie White
Submissions from 2006
Coding Theory and Democracy - Part II, Tsvetan Asamov
GABA, Drug Effects, Anxiety, and 22-kHz Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Rats, Thomas Au
Simulating Colloidal Interactions, Gilad Barlev
Synthesis of Natural Products Iridodial and Actinidine and a Novel Pyridine Synthesis, Joel Beckett
The Allometric Scaling Relationship between Metabolic Rate and Body Size in Manduca Sexta, Andy Boylan
Effects of Religion upon Environmental Concern: A Study of Attitudes and Behaviors, Emily Burns
Imine Reduction and Condensation, Jingwan Chen
Experimental Investigations of Mesoamerican Obsidian Use, John Compton
Methodology: Hydroboration Animation to Yield Alkylamines, Elena Fernandez
Studying Classical Entanglement, Ariel Helfer
Site Layout and Style: A Comparative Study in the South East Mesoamerican Zone, Erlend Johnson
Determining Functional Differences Between Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptor Paralogs in Xenopus Laevis, Elizabeth King
The Effect of Multiple Morphine Exposures on State Dependent Learning in Rats, Ryan Lacy
Partial Differential Equations on Random Grids, Maxim Lavrentovich
Characterizing the Functional Diversity of a Secondary Forest Community, Alexandra Lodge
Eating Where You Live: The Potential for a Local, Seasonal Diet in Knox County, Ohio, Megan Maurer
Modeling the Metabolic Scaling for Manduca sexta, Agnese Melbarde
The Development of the Athletic Body Experience (ABE) Questionaire, Jessie Menzel
The Effect of Cold Acclimation on Gene Expression in the Crayfish, Procambarus clarcii, Margaret Niehaus-Sauter
Tunable Photonic Crystals, Joseph Rodriguez
Hydrogenases and pH Stress Response in E. coli, Piero Sanfilippo
Expression Analysis of TCDD-responsive genes in Xenopus laevis Embryos, Diana Spahlinger
The Search for Abundancy Outlaws, William Stanton
Characterization of the Pheromone Binding Protein PBPLma, Amy Thurber
The Parent Trap: Breeding Black Guillemots (Cepphus grylle) in Better Body Condition Have Higher Levels of Lipid Peroxidation, Emily Vaughn
Examining the Conspecific Audience Effect on 22-kHz Ultrasonic Distress Vocalizations in Rats, Keenan Vinion
Inner Beauty in a monomorphic Species: Immune Quality Influences Mate-choice in Leach's storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa), Jennifer Zangmeister
Characterization of an Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Repressor (AHRR) from the Frog Xenopus laevis, Anna Zimmermann
Submissions from 2005
Laser Depletion Grating Study of the Photodissociation of Chlorine Dioxide (OClO), Katherine Coens
The Effect of Methylphenidate on 22 kHz and 50 kHz Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Rats, Lara Cox
Two-Choice Drug Discrimination Using Morphine on the Sand Maze, Mike Dash
Use of ORAM in Wetland Quality and Land Use Assessment, Elizabeth Deimeke
Creation and Characterization of Entangled Photons via Second Harmonic Generation of Infrared Diodes, Mark Geiger
Microarray Time Course: Gene Expression in Escherichia coli in Response to Acid pH Shift, Geetha Kannan
Locality in a Quantum World, Lee Kennard