Essay: After Works of 1992-1993 继九二·三作品之后
Jin WANG 王晋
Wang Jin
This note on the artist's periodical art is scripted in Chinese. It was published in journal "时代" in 1992. 7. (Jerry Wu'23).
Project - To Serve the People 为人民服务
The artwork is a series of artistic acts that lasted 36 days in Luo yang 洛阳, China. On August 20,1992, the author inscribed the slogan “To Serve the People” with lime on a dam wall. On the next day, towels were distributed to the farmers at the kiln. At 8:00 P.M on the same day, he rented a film and played for the villages in Luoyang. On September 18, 1992, Hui wrote the slogan “To Serve the People '' on a red paper and stuck it on Dongfanghong Square 东方红广场( the square was about 200 meters long). On September 20, 1992, Hui hung and posted “To Serve the People” ( printed on a fabric) in a factory. Later the participants of the event received repeated police investigations. These acts that respond to the question ‘Does today’s art still have the power of criticism in real life?’, which Hui asked in his proposal (written in Chinese) This project might be part of the 'Political Pop' era that gained traction in China during the early 1990s. (Hao Yang’25)
Book: WANG GuangYi in the Trend of Contemporary Art
Guang-Yi WANG 王广义
Yan ShanChun, Lv Peng, Zhou Yan, and more
This book features eight essays (or other forms of texts) written by art critics -- including an autobiographical account written by Wang himself. The book is mainly scripted in Chinese. A Postscript as well as an artist's bibliography are inserted by the end of the book. The book is signed and noted by the artist (see page 2 and 5). (Jerry Wu'23).
Artist Note on "Movement · The Rudiments of Embryo"
Ju-Hui LIANG 梁钜辉
This essay is scripted in Chinese. (Jerry Wu'23).
FU Zhong Wang's "Mortise and Tenon Structure" (“榫卯结构”)
Zhong-Wang FU 傅中望
This essay is scripted in Chinese. (Jerry Wu'23).
Review: Pop Goes Political - Chinese Political Pop Recalls 1960s American Pop Art
Hao HONG 洪浩
Scarlet Cheng
This (partial) review is only an excerpt of Cheng's entire article -- the part concerns Hong Hao's works. It is scripted in English and was published in Asian Art News in 1993 (Jan./Feb., volume 8, No. 1). (Jerry Wu'23).
Exhibition Introduction: China's New Art, Post-1989
Hao HONG 洪浩
This exhibition introduction is scripted in both Chinese (traditional) and English. It was published in Artslink in 1993 (Feb. issue, Volume 2, No. 10). (Jerry Wu'23).
Artist Note: Some Notes about my (HU JianPing) Works in Exhibitions
Jian-Ping HU 胡建平
HU Jianping and WU Liang
The notes are scripted in Chinese (both simplified and traditional). The traditional Chinese version was published in journal Art Currents. (Jerry Wu'23).
Essay: Painters in Studio - about Shanghai Avant-Garde Art
Jian-Ping HU 胡建平
WU Liang
This essay is scripted in Chinese. The section of the essay concerns HU JianPing has been marked out by a square of marker. The article was published in Art Current in 1993 (volume 2). (Jerry Wu'23).
Catalogue: LI Tianyan Art Exhibition
Tian-Yuan LI 李天元
This catalogue features images of LI Tianyuan's works (with caption in Chinese) in the exhibition, in either colored or monochromatic prints. The catalogue also includes reviews and essays (majorly in Chinese) by Chinese scholars like SHAO Dajian, CHEN Zui, YIN Shuangxi, GUAN Ren, ZHANG Weiguo, and Swedish scholar Nils Olof Ecricsson (essay in both Chinese and English). (Jerry Wu'23).
LIN YiLin and CHEN ShaoXiong in Conversation
Yi-Lin LIN 林一林
The conversation between the two artists is recorded in Chinese. It was published in "GuangDong Artists" in January 1993 (issue 1). (Jerry Wu'23).
Exhibition Pamphlet: Mass Consumption
Jian REN 任戬
This exhibition brochure mainly features 1) an introduction on artist Ren Jian, 2) a brief essay on commercial art, 3) three (3) reports of the project, and (4) a note on the exhibition setting. The document is scripted in Chinese (traditional). (Jerry Wu'23).
Exhibition Pamphlet: 1993 The Two Attitudes of Identity 93形象的两次态度
Yong SHI 施勇 and Wei-Kang QIAN 钱喂康
This exhibition pamphlet features 1) selected works from the two artists -- Qian Weikang and Shi Yong; 2) brief introductions to the two artist; and 3) An explanatory note of the works displayed. The pamphlet is scripted in both English and Chinese. (Jerry Wu'23).
Exhibition Pamphlet: The First Asia-Pacific of Contemporary Art Triennial
Liang SUN 孙良
Queensland Art Gallery
This exhibition pamphlet includes portraits of the artists engaged, and a brief introductory essay by LI Xu on the artist SUN Liang. (Jerry Wu'23).
Essay: TAN Ping Copper Engravings: Order and Contingency 谭平铜版画:时序和偶然
Ping TAN 谭平
Mei MoSheng
This printed essay on TAN Ping is scripted in Chinese. Highlighter marks have been applied to emphasize. At the conclusion of the essay, a brief introduction of the artist is featured. The article was published in journal "美术研究" in 1994 (issue 3). (Jerry Wu'23).
Project Proposal: Accident -- Process and State 事件 -- 过程,状态
Jian-Wei WANG 汪建伟
Gallery 13 and Wang Jianwei
This proposal explains the work from five perspectives: 1) basic structure and model, 2) basic procedure illustration, 3) programs in the work and their functions, 4) Detailed procedure of the work and states remarks, and 5), end notes. The proposal is scripted in Chinese. (Jerry Wu'23).
Artist Note: Event -- Process and States 事件 -- 过程,状态
Jian-Wei WANG 汪建伟
Wang JianWei
This brief note on the artworks is scripted in English. (Jerry Wu'23).
Artist Note: Documents, Events 文件,事件
Jian-Wei WANG 汪建伟
Wang JianWei
This artwork introduction is scripted in English. (Jerry Wu'23).
Artist Note: Documents, Events (2) 文件,事件(第二份说明)
Jian-Wei WANG 汪建伟
Wang JianWei
This brief note touches on the theme of work "Documents, Events" ("The Grey System"). The note is scripted in English. (Jerry Wu'23).
Exhibition Document: Meta-Ceramic Art Series 大陶艺
Shuang-Gui YE 叶双贵
"Meta-Ceramic Art Series" is a project carried out by Shuang-Gui Ye. In the artist statement, he stated that the goal of this project is to transfer pottery from apotheosized art into its essential feature of utility and from pottery only for the elite into the one for the masses. The artist believes that since primitive society, utility had always been the dominant feature of pottery, but later, it evolved into art. The artist is not satisfied with pottery in shrine and tried to bring utility back to pottery. He defins this phase as "post-pottery", which borrowed and combined concepts of "postmodernism", such as mass production, public art, and dissemination. In this phase, pottery must be consumable to the masses, but in a different context from the primitive phrase. To respond to this idea, the artist adopted the style of pottery from around the globe and replaced ancient decoration on pottery with anime symbols. Furthermore, the artist conceptualizes the idea of pottery. The idea of pottery is not defined by its medium nor decoration, but by its shape, which is embodied in the project that the poster and postcard all contain the shape of general pottery, and then any other features could give way to post-modern demand. For example, the pottery consists of card paper for the sake of massive production; the theme of decoration is anime characters for the sake of public favor. The cover image is the artist's statement of the artist, and you will find additional files of "Meta-Ceramic Art Series" listed on the bottom including envelope, the list of the artwork, and production introduction (Zhuocheng jiang '26)
Pattern of the Contemporary Art: Dialogue Between LIN YiLin and CHEN ShaoXiong
Yi-Lin LIN 林一林
This conversation between LIN YiLin and CHEN ShaoXiong is recorded in Chinese; it was published in "GuangDong Artists" in April 1993. (Jerry Wu'23).
Essay: Thoughts about Post-Modernity -- A Letter to Ren Jian
Jian REN 任戬
Gao Minglu
This essay takes form as an intended letter to artist Ren Jian. It is scripted mainly in Chinese -- some terms are translated into English. The letter-essay was published in journal "Twenty-First Century Bimonthly" published by The Chinese University of Hong Kong in August, 1993 (No. 18). (Jerry Wu'23).
Review: Spirit Shape 精神造型
Shuang-Gui YE 叶双贵
Hong YU
This review is written by Hong YU, an art critic, in Chinese. The author summarized the artists' motivation, aspiration and the guiding concept manifested in two Art Series. The review could be broken down into two parts, 1. The analysis of “Guan Tong Series”(literal meaning, Consistency): Dismantling and Destruction of forms, Ye’s three forms of ceramics. 2. The analysis of “Hou Guan Tong Series” (Post-Consistency Series): Injection and Expression of Spirit. (Zhuocheng Jiang '26)
Essay: About Art Plan "New Structures" -- on the Developments of "Experimental Cognizance" 新架构 -- 关于综合意义的“实验认识”的发展建构
Jian-Wei WANG 汪建伟
Wang Jianwei
The essay is scripted in Chinese. (Jerry Wu'23).
Review: A Review on H.K. monthly "九十年代杂志"
Shuang-Gui YE 叶双贵
This review is written in traditional Chinese and published in Hong Kong. It briefly introduced the "New Era Group" including four artists, Ren Jian, Zhou Xi-pin, Liang Xiao-chuan and Ye Shuang-gui. Then, the review follows with the summarization of their work and exhibition, their responds to new era of art. (Zhuocheng Jiang '26)
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