"Letter to Bishop Bedell" by Charles Petit McIlvaine



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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Has not heard from Tullidge. Did Bedell send him letter? List of visitations. Mentions his malady requires applications.




letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, Tullidge, illness


Cinc. March 7, /65

My dear Bishop,

In regard to Mr. [?], I am to be at Grace Ch. Cleveland somewhere in the last of the month & will hold his ordination then. I cannot go on purpose for that. I will give him more particular notice by & by. Please inform him. Did you send my letter to Mr. Tullige? As I have heard nothing about it, it has occurred to me that you may not have understood that it was sent you, to see & then send.

I expect to see you at [?] next week. As to [?], I wish to take parishes which I have not recently visited. But several of those due are those I visited last. The last in order of time is as follows,

[Welmont] Hills M

[Warran] B

[Tiffin] B

[Chalharthe] M

Sandusky M

Bellevue M

[Lyme] M

[?] M M

[Milan] M

[Hurson] M

E. Plymouth B

[Anonville] B

[Pannville] B

Youngstown B

Pery B

New Castle B

Circleville B

Lancaster B

Newark B

Granville B

Toledo M

[?] M

[Napoleon] M

Columbus M

[?] B

[?] B

Otterbein B

[Elyria] B

[Allener] B

Cleveland Grace B

Mt. Vernon B

[Kenyon] B

The above are all that come under the 14 months rule.

Mr I will take the Churches here & in Cleveland, & those in the accompanying list to which B. is placed, exclusive of [?] & New Castle, Newark & Granville, though I wish to go to these two last, when they are ready, if I can.

Those [marked] all, I do not wish to go to now, as I was there last visit.

I will do all I can, but I suffer extremely with the malady which I have before mentioned to you [?] [ano]. Scarcely ever a night, in which I can rest without having to get up & make [?], so that I dread to go to bed. It is difficult for me to go abroad because of the [?] of frequent [?] to applications which require a private Chamber. It affects my nerves my [?] & often it causes much jerking of my nerves that it seems as I should be getting [?] a [?] in which I could not govern my limits. [?] however only at night when trying to sleep. Excitement of mind adds to it.

I wrote Mr. Lidell that neither of us could promise to go East for his ordination before we go to the Gen Conv, but that about [?] time if I could not, I would ask you to go & ordain him. “The [Associated] Pastors of Fairfield West” Connecticut (Congregational) have sent me a “Letter of Communication” on behalf of him, queer & congregational, but intended to show respect & kindness & will be so answered.

Yours affectionately,

C. P. M

I think we must consider Monroe for Dayton & Greenville, if he can make [?] in what they can do. What a burden these needy, feeble, [?] [?] are & they need of more ministers & no means of supporting them. [?] depresses me so much.

Yours very affectionately,


Letter to Bishop Bedell



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