"Letter to Bishop Bedell" by Charles Petit McIlvaine



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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Several matters. Archdeacon.




letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, church


[Cincinnati] March 24

Dear Bishop

There is none of your items that I have not written you about, Broadnose included, except warrior + I understood you as having enclosed to wait as to it, to hear from Abbott what he preferred, whether to wait till the consecration or not. And as I had not included Warren or my list, I considered it left to you of Abbott preferred now or before the consecration of his Ch. I do not know of any body for Monroeville unless it would be well to move Young from Jefferson, where I think he is uncomfortable from the idea that he is not satisfactory + where I believe the people or some of them who think they must have a great man, do want him to go. I rather think he is too good for them. I don’t favor the idea of French going to be Sanford’s Chaplain at all. If he is to leave Oberlin he must go a great deal higher than that, which in reality is less in dignity + usefulness than his present position. Nothing but the [?] impossibility of getting by person fit for such a place as Oberlin to be willing to take it has prevented me from urging the cell of French to see a higher [grade] of parish - as he is abundantly competent. I would have [?] him for St. James Cinc. where he would have been just the man, but what shall we do for Oberlin, [?]. I have scarcely been able to satisfy my self that it was right to keep him from better positions. But what is a Chaplancy to a ladies’ school? They of course go to some Church on Sundays - or ought to. There his work is stopped of the whole of Sunday [Pg1]

public preaching. It is a matter of morning & evening prayer, prayer meetings & perhaps the charge of the religious recitation - teaching. Now Mr. French is competent to much more than that. Some invalid man is the one for such a place, some [throat-diseased] man. When I saw F. at Monroeville, he mentioned Sanford’s wishes, but did not seem to like the idea. I have a letter from Mr. [Cader] once I wrote you this morning. He says I have heard correctly concerning the debt & that the inside arrangements are as I saw [Pg3] then. I write you about a preacher, mentioning Bp. Bedell Dr. Brown & Dudley + leaving you tot your choice. I don’t see why you should not select a preacher for Grace Ch. as well as any other that you have consecrated.

I suppose Hartley had left Gambier when my letter to him got to you. I [?] in that letter to Bp. Potter.

I have no answer yet from the Pres. of the Christ. Commission as to Powell.

I believe the last Sunday in May will do for a Confirmation in Gambier + I will thank you to have it put in my published list. Archdeacon [Hellworth] put off his visit to G. with a view of being there about that time & going thence to the Convention. I shall work him. Probably you as a resident had better do it also.

I am waiting your [?] intentions better before writing to him. Of course do as you like about the Sunday after Convention in Dayton.

Our salary matters seem to promise badly. I have recd but 1100 + odd, + every price here is awful. Mutton 15 cents the pound, hay 35 dollars a ton My man 30 a month, &c.

But we must put down the Rebellion at all events. I telegraphed you about the consecration, as you will have learned by my letter this morning. I spend E. Sund. at Springfiled + go next day to Urbana.

Yours affectionately

Chas. P. McIlvaine

Letter to Bishop Bedell



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