"Letter to Bishop Bedell" by Charles Petit McIlvaine



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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Mentions matter of Tullidge with distress. In case of vacancy at Rosse Chapel, we can get a rule that Bishops can [reach as they wish, Newton wouldn't last long in Columbus. Concern over what Bishop Williams will do now that Cracroft case resolved here.




letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, Tullidge, church


I wrote this letter, before receiving yours of the 21st. I shall retain the copy of letter to Prof. T as well as the original till you write again, your last at the [?].

Cinc. Feb. 23. /65

Dear Bishop

What has to be done, has to, but one is disposed to put it off, when it is so painful as this matter of Tulbridge. I have at length brought myself to the terrible office. An Executioner’s office is bad enough, but this! I enclose a copy of the letter I have just written. Now if he enquires of you or others, as I hope he will, then care must be taken to give him a full idea of the case, such as I have had before me in your letters, not only to sustain me, but to produce the result desired. Perhaps you had better apprise certain of whom he is most likely to enquire, that they may see the need of sufficiently strong communications.

Now about other things - [Lutdell’] papers were sent to the Committee last week I have not yet received the result. When they come, I will write him about the particulars embraced in his letter to you.

I am satisfied with Mr. [Hockings’s] evidence of education & have [enobled] him as a Candidate in regular standing.

As I have been at Columbus & preached thrice recently, I will ask you to make the invitation there of which you write, to both Churches. In correcting the relation of the Rector of Harcourt Parish to a Bp. resident there, how would it do, where a vacancy occur again to insert a clause in the cell, by vote of Trustees, that it is to be understood that it is not be understood as placing Rosse Chapel so under the charge of the Rector as to limit the right of the Bishop or Assistant Bp. to officiate therein whenever either of them shall desire.

I don’t know about the cell of Newton to Columbus. He would do less having them there with us, + more good - He would not last there (physically) for a long time. After what you have written of B. I think no more of it. But I am deeply impressed with the need of the other part of the scheme, because of the impossibility now - of paying a salary for a Prof. of Div. by itself, sufficient to bring such a man as we need, + also because I wholly despair of finding such a man, unless we take some young + [?] man whose talents & spirit & views only need training & development to be [given] to what we need.

[pg 1 left hand side]

Therefore I ask you to consider the scheme in general - think how McElhory would do for Divinity + how the whole [instruction] may be laid out between the three - you, B. & Mc.E.

Letter to Bishop Bedell



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