
Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase describes an encounter he had with Mr. Bennet in which Bennet asked him for financial support or for a position at the College but Chase refused due to his character.




Mr. Bennet, Butler County, Pennsylvania, Great Lakes, Erie, Gambier, Mr. Barney, Portland, Worthington, Mr. West, Buffalo, Blackrock, Rev. Mintzer, Rev. Lee



Kenyon College

Knox Co. Ohio

14. July 1827.

Dear Nephew

I did not think it my duty to encourage Mr. Bennet to stay in this Diocese.

My reasons were that I had learned previously to my receiving of your letter that he had done apparently no good while he was in Pen’a and was an inactive, inefficient, selfish character. This opinion was confirmed by my conversation with him.

I learned from him in express terms that he had run himself in debt $800. and wanted to be placed in some station in the College whereby he could be enabled to live comfortably and discharge this debt. When I told him we had no such place to offer him he said he wished to be employ’d as Missionary with a salary of 4 or 500 dollars a year: On this point he was quite confident of success he sd. from what you had told him.

I told him in answer to him that an [?] Missionary needed a person of a peculiar cast of Character & that he must pardon me if I expressed my opinion that he was not such a person.

He then told me that as I had refused him these two request I must grant him a third which was to give him 25. dollars to bear his expenses home.

He mentioned his wish to return to Butler County Pen’a by the way of the lakes & landing at Erie to proceed down home: & that tho’ this was some further away round yet the water carriage made it in effect nearer.

He staid the night & part of the next day with me at Gambier: when I ordered the horses saddled and we went together into Town.

When we went into Mr Barney’s I told Mr. Bennet that I would get Mr Barney to take me for paymaster for his fare to Portland. “I have not paid my fare from Worthington” said he “Mr B. I will pay that [also.]” WIth this I left Mr Bennet, went & spoke to Mr Barney who [consented]. Having much business to transact I went out into town and after some time met Mr. Barney who told me Mr. Bennet had spoken to him about lodgings for a few weeks at his house. And asked me if I would be answerable for his expenses?

I told him “no. If Mr. Bennet does not choose to [prepare] his journey now he must have [altered] his mind: and may have found out ways to pay his expenses which were not in this view when he desired to get home as soon as possible. Mr. Barney you’ll have the goodness not to charge Mr B.’s bill to me.”

When I came away from Penn I saw Mr. Bennet had not left the tavern.

Your faithful Brother in Christ

Phi Chase

Mr West was in Buffalo or Blackrock on the 29th of June [well]

The Rev Messers Mintzer and Lee were here yesterday on their way to Wor. when I mentioned that Mr. Bennet had told me the reasons he not settle in Wheeling was that the wardens and vestry required of him a preliminary engagement as a sine qua non that he should omit the Ante Com’m Service which he did not think it his duty to comply with. Mr Lee said that no such conditions had been made

[Side of first page]: I send you a number of [Dunning] letters pray seal & send them. The accts are in the hands of the attorney no [loss] will be made if promptly paid.

Letter to Intrepid Morse



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