"Letter to Philander Chase" by Lord Kenyon


Lord Kenyon



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Kenyon recounts Bishop Hobart's visit with him and reports that Hobart was respectful towards Chase but believes the best course of action to be the transferral of money collected in England to the Seminary in America. Kenyon says he will consult with the other Trustees and report to Chase on what they decide.




Lady Olivia Sparrow, Mr. Wiggin, Board of Trustees, Bishop Hobart, Liverpool, American Protestant Episcopal Church, G.W. Marriott, Mr. Pratt, King's College, Lord Kenyon, Mr. Hoar, Cheltenham



Aug’st 29


My very dear Bishop

Your kind letter of the 9th of May last has gratified & distressed me much: distressed me especially at hearing of your illness, wh. by God’s mercy I trust soon abated, & distressed me too at hearing of your meeting with any difficulty in the fulfillment of your pious work according to your mind. I sent your letter to Ly. O.S. according to your desire and have [mentioned] some parts of it in confidence to good Mr. Wiggin, as extract from a reply from when I enclose; and in his views I concur completely as I have no doubt my Co-Trustees will also. Under the drawback of incomplete fulfillment of your wishes wh. your letter communicates I rejoice however heartily at the great [figure] of [numbers] graciously vouchsafed to you, wh. is blessed indeed. I have however new confidentially to communicate to you the wishes of Bp. Hobart, who was as his own offer of himself my guest here last night, and who has left me this morning for Liverpool & New York. He spoke of you with high respect, & expressed his entire conviction of its being the wish of yourself & your Coadjutors in Ohio that your Theological Seminary should be in complete [union] with the American Prost. Epis’l Church. He never had doubt that such was your wish. He still expressed his regard that you had not thought it right that it should have been a branch of the [great] Theo’l. Seminary. I expressed my [?] doubt to say no more of the expediency of that course & my conviction that it wd. be in entire harmony with the principles of that Seminary. He [afterwards] [mentioned] that tho’ he had not a particle of doubt as to the intention of yourself & your cooperators in Ohio on that point he still thought that looking to futurity it might be well that an [additional] [security] should be attained by the mode in which the Trust money collected in Gt Britain should be confided to the Establishment. He thought such add’l. security wd. be acceptable to yourselves as more completely providing [for] the continuance of the principles suggested by yourself in your declaration of Nov. 1823 & in the articles of your Ecclesiastical Convention confirmed by your Legislative Convention. I told him I wd. consult with my Co-Trustees on the subject & with good G.W. Marriott, Mr. Pratt (if I can get at him as he is not in town) and good Wiggin; & if the result shall be that we consider that profound measure wd. give add’l security & not be felt to be objectionable, we may so pass the deed of transfer of our receipts to you as to give the add’l security suggested. I enclose Bishop H’s suggestions in his own words; & in [justice] to him to you & to myself by to assure you that he explained from first to last his perfect conviction that you & your coadjutors in Ohio felt the paramount importance of acting on the principles included in your own voluntary declaration & in your Conversational Articles. Had that not been so you will feel assured I wd. not have entertained the subject for a moment. He [mentioned] an instance, of Kings Coll. I think in which a similar security had been found not only valuable but effectual. [Want] to God my dearest Bishop I cd. have you here to [muddle] it over with you, but it does appear to me I confess [valuable] to give add’l security & to do no harm. I shall send the document as pictured by Bp. H to good Dr. G & Mr. Wiggin today; & desire both of them to communicate with good Ld. Gambier, Mr. Hoar & Mr. Pratt on the subject. I shall also write to good G. Marriott who will reach Cheltenham tomorrow for the benefit of his health. You will be sorry to hear he has been very ill, but is thank God getting well again fast now. His excellent wife is with him, & is able to confined again from [theirs]. Never I believe did the family live more thoro’ly devoted to His service from whom [all] blessings flow & few families have had [much] distance from illness. Still that they are highly favoured by Him is when they trust no one doubts less than I do. You will be glad to hear of the welfare of all my precious children. Bp. H. secured much [?] with them & with the affection wh. I bless God prevails among us all. My revered Aunt’s health too, at [?] now you will be glad to hear. I pray God this may find you & yours all well, & venture to offer my respectful good wishes to your good & pious wife in return for her kind wishes to me & all most dear to me. I shall be very anxious to hear of the recovery of your health and remain with the affectionate veneration of all of us, My dearest Bishop your ever most faithful & affectionate friend,


Bp. H. saw & admired the likeness of your picture much.

Letter to Philander Chase



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