"Report of the Trustees of the Funds Raised in England to Establish a T" by Board of Trustees



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Results of a meeting of the Board of Trustees in England in which they resolved to recommend an addition to the Seminary's Constitution requiring the approval of all Bishops in the Church of the United States before any changes could be made to the use of the funds raised in England.




Board of Trustees, Lord Gambier, Dr. Gaskin, Mr. Hoare, Mr. Wiggin, Mr. Pratt, Lord Kenyon, Constitution


At a meeting of the Trustees of the Fund raised in England for the establishment of a Theological Seminary in the Diocese of Ohio, held in London on the 12th of September 1825, present Lord Gambier, Rev. Dr. Gaskin, & Mr. Henry Hoare – attended by Mr. Timothy Wiggin & the Rev. Josiah Pratt –

A suggestion was offered, through the remaining Trustee, Lord Kenyon, (accompanied with expressions of his entire confidence in Bishop Chase & his coadjutors) to the following purport –

“The Constitution of the Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Ohio enacts certain provisions which are understood to be the basis on which funds were collected for that Seminary in England.

“The last Article of this Constitution enacts that the said Constitution may be altered by the Bishop, the Trustees and the Convention, or by the unanimous vote of the two latter bodies without the Bishop.

“It follows, that the Articles containing the provisions above referred to, may be thus altered.

“This contingency, not likely indeed soon to happen, but which may happen, can be guarded against, on the present organization of the Seminary, only by the Trustees of the Fund in England, executing a deed of gift of the Funds in which these provisions are stipulated as the conditions on which the funds are to be held; & in case of the violation of these conditions empowering some corporate body, as for example, the Bishops of the other dioceses as a Committee of the General Theological Seminary, to institute legal measures for the obtaining of these funds to be appropriated for such purposes of the Church as they may direct.”

The subject having been taken into consideration, it was unanimously Resolved, That it appears that the Trustees have no power to annex any conditions to the payment of the money raised in this country, when it shall be drawn for by the proper authorities in Ohio, being satisfied, as they are, that the Constitution of the Seminary, established by the Convention of Ohio, is conformable to the views & wishes of the benefactors to the Seminary. It appears, however, desirable to recommend to the Convention of the Diocese of Ohio to add the following words, or words to the same effect, to the Tenth Article of the Constitution of the Seminary. – “Provided that no amendment or alteration whatever be made in this Constitution without concurrence of a majority of the Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States.”

Examined & approved by us,



Geo. Gaskin

Henry Hoare

Report of the Trustees of the Funds Raised in England to Establish a Theological Seminary in Ohio



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