"Letter to Intrepid Morse" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase writes of his recent travels through Huron County and the Seneca Reservation, and plans out the rest of his travel.


Summer 8-24-1825


Huron County, Onicdas, Mohawks, Mohawk Language, Liturgy, Christian Ministry, Ashlan, Windsor, Youngstown, Holand, Boardman, Canfield, New Lisbon, Rebecca, Mr. Morse, St. Clair, Morristown, L Beaver, Lexington, Zanesville, Barnesville, Mr. B. Welles


Brooklyn Augt. 24

1824 [sic]

Very Dear Nephew. -

I am well and thankful to God for his many mercies.

I have been tho’ Huron County & visited the [Onicdas] & Mohawks on the Seneca Reservation. They make sure of our Liturgy in the Mohawk Language and hold service twice every Sunday. I am to take five of their young men under my tuition to prepare for the Christian Ministry.

I am so much wanted at home that I am [constrained] to make the following [ratio] arrangement of my time. [Viry] --

Turn over

Ashlan. 4 Sep? Sunday

Windsor. 6. - Tuesday

Batavia 7. Wed.

[Narmen] 8 Thurs

Youngstown 9. Fri

[Holand] 10 Sat.

Boardman 11. Sun

Canfield 12 - Mon

New Lisbon 13 - Tuesday night

[?] 14 - -- Wed.. }

15 ------- Thursd }

16 ----------- Frid } at Mr. Morse’s

17 --------- Sat } disposal

18 --- ------ Sunday }

[?] ------------- Monday }

20 ------------- Tuesd }

25 - at St. Clair[‘s] will } Mr. Morse will write them immediately; and if [can] [?] attend the Bishop.

26. Morristown

27. [Barnesville]

28 L Beaver

29. Lexington

[?] Zanesville

I am in great haste having hardly one moment at my own command.

I beg your prayers & those Dear Rebecca that God would mercifully [?] your

Affectionate uncle

& faithful friend

Phil. Chase

Rev. Intrepid Morse

Stubenville if from home Mr. B. Welles is [desined] to open this


Letter to Intrepid Morse



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