"Letter to Philander Chase" by Miss Duff Macfarlane



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Miss Macfarlane reports that she has bought many books for Bp. Chase using Lady Rosse's money and asks if he wants any others. She is sending him poetry written by the family members of one Mrs. Gipps. She recommends that Bp. Chase become more well acquainted with Mr. Rogers, either in person or via letters.




Windsor, England


Lady Rosse, Mr. Rogers, books, Mrs. Gipps, Cambridge


Cippenham near Windsor

Whitsunday [sic] Evening

5 June 1824

Right Reverence & Dear Sir,

When you remarked to me that I was a letter in your debt, I thought that I should not again scruple so much to trouble you with one, for fearing it might be a trouble was the only reason why I did not thank you in writing for that one which I so much value & shall carefully preserve. I thought I might write to your Reverence to Cambridge, but could not procure your address there before I left London & now I think, indeed conclude you have returned & I have supposed you all this day at Nayland. I have shared in some Manner the gratification you will have enjoyed by rejoicing in your having the very great pleasure it must be to you. Encreased [sic] not a little by the company you have. I have only now finished copying the letter of the “departed Saint” as the Hand so well terms him on music, for you. I have copied it into a book & shall add whatever else I can of excerpts I have made, that I think you may like to have—writing the good mans words has brought him more strongly perhaps before my mind & your Reverence with him. So that writing you at this moment is a particular treat, but I have thought of you in the earlier part of the day & at the most solemn seasons. When after commending our salary personally to God we naturally think & pray for those we are most interested in, & scarcely think I shall ever hereafter omit Ohio there & it will be a remembrance full of comfort & satisfaction that I had an opportunity of receiving with your Reverence The Sacred Symbols of our Saviours Meritorious Death and Passion - I try to remember too, what you said in allusion to it on the parable of the ten lepers, altho’ I cannot as well as I wish. Should you ever find time to put it on paper I should value it greatly. I hope I may have the pleasure of seeing your Reverence in a few days, but your time being so occupied I may not have an opportunity of conversing or saying more than a few words - so had I no other reason I should wish to write to mention two or three things I not be able to do otherwise.

I have heard again from Lady Rosse, she desired me tell her freely if there should be any thing further desirable than the 50 £ she sent to me file procure of books for your Reverence and I have promised that I shall. Before I left Town I got most of the things O wished for Mrs Chase. After expending the sum I had allotted of my own & a little more, I found there were still some things that I thought might be useful. So I shall not hesitate & take a little of Lady Rosse’s for this & the more readily as I know it will please her to have some of her money employed in some sense for your personal comfort I have written so to her. — I must tell you too that Mss Smith begged I might lay acot. 3 £ of hers in the same way I did my own. Lady Rosse wishes to know more particulars of the Mr. Spencer with whose letter she is much delighted — and I must not forget to ask your Reverence to tell me of him. I hope you will here put down the names of whatever books you wish bought as I shall like to get them as soon as I can. You will receive a parcel from Mrs. Gipps which I begged her to send. As her brother Mr. I. Bawdlee desired I might send you more copies of his Fathers poems & his Brothers Select Pieces from him. Mrs. Gipps asked me if I thought she might add the works of two of her aunts & of her Grandmother. All excellent in their day. & I of course said I was sure she might & promised your Reverence would be gratified by her doing so. If it can be managed I should be glad you could see her, or rather that she could your Reverence.

I hope Bishop Skinner’s letter was what you liked. It is a particular pleasure to me that he feels how as I wished he should. I have a copy of each work of the members of his family for your Reverence besides. The copies I sent for myself. I am delighted to hear of the success at Cambridge & if possible most of all at what is promised at Oxford, particularly from Dr. Coppleston. How wonderfully do all things work together for good to those to—I don’t know whether our invaluable friend Mr. M. mentioned something I thought of about Mr. Rogers. Namely that your Reverence should write to him, altho’ doing so even partially to those who subscribe would be impossible. His Munificent sub’n seems to deserve some acknowledgement and besides that, if your Reverence goes to Bath it might be useful as well as desirable that your could visit him. He is the most intimate friend I believe of Archdeacon Daubeny whose support would be particularly desirable. I wish to mention this without— Mr. Rogers is at his living of Berkley in Somersetshire but my sister in law who is intimately acquainted with him seems to think if your Reverence could go there it would answer well.

Note in margins of inside pages:

This letter is not worth postage, and I should not send it but that I wished write and have not time to write another.—I hope to hear that you have heard from America.

Note written upside down on top of first page:

I must conclude in this corner. I desire your blessing and am with the greatest respect & regard Right Reverence Dear Sir.

Miss Duff Macfarlane

Letter to Philander Chase



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