"Letter to Sophia Chase" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Bishop Chase tells Sophia of an afternoon spent with Lord Kenyon and Mr. Marriott in London. Later, the three visitied Rev. Wards in Nayland and then the Nayland Church, where Rev. William Jones (whom Bishop Chase apparently admires greatly) was once minister.






Lord Kenyon, Mr. Marroitt, Rev. Wards, Nayland, Rev. William Jones


Whit Monday 1824

Grt. Hokesley Parsonage

Rev. Mr. Ward Recr.


My Dear Wife,

Instead of writing any thing in my journal, I think it best to note down a few leading facts and hints for future reflection in a letter director to you, that while I have the pleasure of giving some little idea of whats passing I may so arrange it as that I can gratify you, and our pleasures may be mutual.

It was in Queens Square Saturday last at 9 o’clock that I had the honour of stepping into the Carriage of Lord Kenyon in company with himself and our most excellent Friend G. W. Marriott Esq. — all in fine spirits — lost our way in London — how like the forests in Ohio — great difficulty in settling who was to blame Lord Kenyon Mr. Marriott or the servants — stopped to enquire of the gaping multitude — laughed at their eagerness to tell what seemed so disagreeable to us viz that we must turn short about and go back again along piece. By inquiry found no way of keeping on & yet getting into the right road. Many useful reflections occurred on this. Repentance — confession & commendment & c.

In travelling found the country tho highly cultivated yet rather level — passed thro’ some pleasant places , hamlets. Lord Kenyon sent back his own horses & depended on relays on the road which at all the stages of stopping places were furnished with great splendor. We sat still in the carriage while the horses were put to without delay.

All in good Spirits — L. K. made me tell the history of my life — made may judicious inquires — took much interest in the Seminary location. Love I was the interest of the conversation all the way about & c &c and the American affairs, in general there I became quite indifferent I mean unobservant of the country thro’ which I passed.

We arrived at the Rev. Mr. Wards about 4 on Saturday: Mr. W. had not expected us quite so soon and had gone walking. Mrs. Ward — a most friendly amicable woman red. us kindly. We strolled down the walks in the fields which overlooked Nayland, the place to us so dear to Lord K. as a pupil & to myself as a sincere Admirer of William Sone of Nayland of blessed memy.

I will tell you the effect the sight of this place another time. It is in a valley the River swims thro’ is verdant & flowery bosom to hills or gentle rising ground or trees — its modest Chp. where once that goodman proclaimed the blessed Gospel — all around so charming — Six Chpes. Seen. Mr. W. Told us (for he had joined the company & tho we never saw each other yet we were in one minute like brothers) Mr. Ward told us their names but I have forgotten them — no matter the effect in beautifying the scene was pleasant enough. Nayland Church however was the most attractive. Walked home—parsonage house & glebe—and walks and trees and birds & flowers and inhabitants the most interesting Mr. Wards family a follows.

Daughter — Charlotte, a very handsome young lady

Daughter — Mary Author of the verses on Ohio, who made the hand skreens and the baskets of Peacock feathers so beautiful & & which sold for so much already more than 30 [shillings] for the Ohio fund — she is only 14

Son & two or three more —

But I forgot the dinner. It was all that pious and polished English people could devise; the best, and in the best manner in the world notice me. Rev. Mr. Sims the Successor of Wm. Jones at Nayland Church was present also and the day passed off as few days do most happ’s.

Whit Sunday D. 1824 I spent in Nayland Church and in visiting the house gardens & chambers of the Wm. Jones. What pleasure I red. mingled with what holy reverence as I entered the Sacred edifice saw the pulpit & partook of the Sact. at the Altar whereas that Goodman once ministered above all what solemnity thrilled thro’ my bosom, when being admitted to the vestry, I saw the vault stone under which were the remains of that good man. I must resume for another time. There were including Lord K. Mr. M. myself & the officiating Minister Mr. Sims 72 communicants.

Letter to Sophia Chase



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