"Letter to Philander Chase" by Mrs. G. W. Marriott



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Mrs. Marriott laments that she will not see Chase again but promises to keep in touch with him and his cause through their friends.




Lord Kenyon, Devonshire, Broadclyst, Miss Macfarlane


July 12th, 1824

Rt. Revd. & very dear Sir,

As I can send this under cover to our good & dear friend Lord Kenyon, I must indulge myself by writing a few lines tho’ I have nothing to say worth your hearing. I cannot help lamenting that I should have entered Devonshire the day you left it, & next week too, if it please God, I hope to be at Broadclyst where your visit has given the greatest satisfaction to my dear brother John & all his nice family & I have no doubt you would enjoy their Society also — My acquaintance with Robert & John did not begin with my married life, but with my earliest infancy — For the first 20 years of my life they were among my best & kindest friends, & since that have been such good affectionate brothers that I wish all I love & [?] should know & love them & I therefore am very glad you could came to Broadclyst, tho’ I fear you met with no very zealous co-operations out of the parish. I shall think much of the loss we shall all sustain on the 10th, but I feel so sure you are doing right in returning now to your people, & I can so fully enter into the happiness you will enjoy in a happy reunion with your family, which I trust will be granted to you, that I am well contended to lose you, & hope ever to possess a thankful recollection of the privilege which has been granted to me, my beloved George, & our children in seeing so much of one whom we shall, I am sure, never cease to love and venerate. Tho’ alas! On this side the grave we must not hope to meet again. I am very desirous of hearing, I shall beg L. R. to tell me, whether you received all your packages safe. It was not for want of care & exertion on the part of Miss Macfarlane if you did not. And I am my dear good Bishop,

[the rest continues on top of first page, which is cut off]

Letter to Philander Chase



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