"Letter to Philander Chase" by W. Marsh


W. Marsh



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Marsh updates Chase on the subscriptions and the reception of his cause in Liverpool as well as asking him to write when he arrives in America.




Rev. Jones, Rev. Tafemall, Liverpool, Ohio, Manningtree, Harwick


July 12, 1824

Dear Bishop Chase,

If I do not write a line by this post, I shall be too late, I therefore can only scribble this, as it is ½ past ten.

The Rev. Mr. Jones, the Rev. Mr. Budd[?], & the Rev. Mr. Tafemall are good men at Liverpool. I hope Ohio will not be overlooked there. It is a large & healthy place.

Our list is going on, though not so fast as I could wish. We are just under £100. We have sent letters in all directions, & packets to Manningtree, Harwick, & [?]wich.

Let me have one line when you arrive in America, as to your own health & strength, & to the cause. Send me & wife & children your blessing.

The Lord comfort your heart & establish you in every good hard work. The Lord prosper you in the present & every future effort to do good. The Lord pour upon your people the rich effusion of His spirit, & reward, with a reward of Grace, your own family, for the loan lent unto the Lord.

Mrs. Marsh will send Christian love to Mrs. Chase, whether you will carry it or not.

May I meet you in the kingdom of our Lord!

With most affectionate & respectfully,

W. Marsh.

July 12/24 Colchester

Letter to Philander Chase



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