"Letter to Philander Chase" by Margaretta Haydon



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Haydon asks Chase to pray for her sister, Mary, who is sick, and expresses her condolences for the loss of Philander Jr. She also tells Chase about a man she knows who she thinks could help him in America.




Mr. Ward, Gredington, Rev. Jones, John West, Dr. Gaskin, New Brunswick, Lord Kenyon


Halstead, July 12th

Right Revd. & Dear Sir,

I had by Mr. Ward’s advice, enclosed a letter to you under cover to Lord Kenyon, & directed it to Manchester, where Mr. W. supposed you would be about the time it would arrive there. But since I sent it, I have had a fresh advice from Mr. W. advising me to direct it at once to Gredington! I fear therefore my first communication may not reach your hand & tho’ it was nothing in itself to recommend it to you, yet as containing the affectionate remembrances of the family of Mr. Jones, I am sure it will be dear to your heart. I therefore once more presume on good Lord K. & venture this to Gredington, & if you have not had my former epistle, & should think it worth inquiry after it may be found, directed to Lord K. in the post office at Manchester, unless the postmaster has forwarded it, as doubtless Lord K. is perfectly known in that neighbourhood, or indeed in any part of England. The letter alluded to, will convey to you more of our expressions of regard & veneration than I now have time to repeat. But fearing lest it may not reach you before you sail I would again say how deeply we all regret not having seen you, I would again assure you of our regard and interest in your welfare. I would again solicit your prayers & blessing, & more especially that you will, in thinking of our large family circle as the nearest descendants of your honoured, tho’ unknown, friend, remembered a beloved suffering sister who has for many years been in the most declining health, a very anxious charge to her widowed mother, but exhibiting all the graces of the Christian character tho’ under the pressure of so protracted an illness, & setting an example of patience & resignation seldom to be seen. I have not in my former communication specified particularly any of the Branches of that Parent tree under whose shadow you, dear Sir, have formed to much delight and profit. But I thought it would soothe the mind of our beloved Mary to find she has a peculiar interest in your prayers & blessing. Under all the affection with which it has pleased God to visit her as to the body, He has graciously vouchsafed to impart a superiority & sweetness of mind which has accompanied her for the absence of health, & of which I hope we may be able to send your some proof, when we can send any of our offerings to you, which we hope to do, whenever the destined gifts from other friends (more able but not more willing to serve you than we are) may follow you to America, the best way of doing this you will kindly point our to us, should we be so happy as to hear from you, before you quit our shores. And now, Dear Christian Friend! Accept our cordial, our heartfelt esteem, our tender sympathy in the affecting loss of that beloved & excellent son who has overtaken you in the journey of life, & is first entered into the haven of eternal rest. May God heal this & every wound! & enable you though you will see this beloved fellow traveller no more in the [?], yet to “go on your way rejoicing” & may “God supply all your need” above all you can ask or think. I omitted in my letter (perhaps still lying at Manchester) to tell you I wrote to a good man with whom I am acquainted of the Diocese of Ohio, he has been in one of our own colonies and America before, but he seems disposed & I do believe is well fitted, for a stake in that extended & enticing field. His name is John West, I referred him to Dr. Gaskin, to whom he wrote & perhaps you have since heard of him. How glad shall I be to hear he finally accepted a charge in Ohio under your truly pastoral & truly primitive jurisdiction! But he has been required to go to New Brunswick. May the Lord of the Harvest lend forth labourers into every portion of His vineyard, & supply the wants of His Church all over the world! & may He hasten the time when the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of His glory, as the water cover the sea! Once more, Right Revd, & very dear Sir, accept our most sincere & kindest wishes & prayers for your safe return to America, & that you may find your dear family in health and peace & belong preserved to each other, & above all that you may be continued the honoured instrument of promoting & extending the Kingdom of your God & Saviour upon earth. With most unfeigned esteem, allow me to subscribe myself your very faithful friend & servant,

Margaretta Haydon,

The eldest grand-daughter of the Revd. Mr. Jones

Letter to Philander Chase



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