"Letter to Philander Chase" by George Marriott


George Marriott



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Marriott is sending Chase an update on subscriptions including a list of donors and the amount they contributed.




London, England


"England Voyage, Marriott, Chase, Henry Legge, Reverend W. Digby, Worcester, Poynder Clapham Common, W. Wix, Islington, Countess St. Germains, Lady Mordaunt, H. G. Gibbs, C. Crawley Stowe, Temple "


Temple 29th May 1824

My dear Friend

I have already sent you, thro’ Lord Kenyon, two Oxford letters of yesterday and one from Bishop [Skinner], by today’s Post. I have now obtained a frank from the good Bishop of St. D., in which I transmit Mr Wiggin’s, and acknowledge yours received this morning. In future my franks shall be obtained to you at Professor Farish’s, but this will, I hope, not fail to be sent there.

I answered Mrs Tuckfield’s letter for you. I knew Mr W’s handwriting so well, that I thought I was warranted in opening his letter. I am very glad that he makes no more serious matter of the mention of N.York and Connecticut. I called on the Bishop of Durham on Thursday, and you certainly have not over-rated his estimate of your Cause or your character. Mr Wheaton is gone this day to Oxford with Mr Spry, and Dr Stewart will arrive at the same time to urge the Canada Claim for a Church. It will, therefore, be warm work there next week. We shall see what the Ohio Appeal will do propriâ vi. In other places it has been very effectual. I am extremely glad that you have Mr Schomberg at Cambridge.

Miss Macfarlane is the only person who has seen the Portrait without admiring it as a likeness. Strutt is printing a proposal for the Engravings, in which the Proofs are said to be a Guinea, and the Prints half a guinea. The latter, if names are put down early, will be nearly as good as the Proofs. The Bishops of Durham and St. David’s are subscribers. The Appeal is substituted for the Map in both Pictures, and a third is begun.

By the “old and new Appeals,” I presume, you mean Appeals and Statements. In the latter it is proposed to add to the Paragraph respecting the objections entertained and Bishop H’s letter to the visit to England, that they chiefly rested on the apprehension of “total failure,” which the event has already completely done away.

Below I send you a few additional subscription, which may be added, if thought proper. With our united kind love, I am, my dear Friend, very affectionately yours

G.W. Marriott

£ s d

The Hon. Henry Legge 5 0 0

The Reverend W. Digby Reb’y of Worcester 5 5 0

Thomas Poynder Clapham Common 10 10 0

W. Wix Esquire Islington 5 5 0

Rt. Hon: Countess St. Germains 5 0 0

Dow: Lady Mordaunt 5 0 0

One Brother and three Sisters 4 0 0

Mrs S. [Blasson] Islington 2 0 0

H. G. Gibbs Esqr. 5 5 0

Reverend C. Crawley Stowe 10 10 0

C. Crawley Esqr. Temple 5 0 0

Letter to Philander Chase



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