"Letter to Sophia Chase" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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Fragment of a letter in which chase describes the places he has gone and the people he has recently met.




Cambridge, England


England voyage, King's Chapel, Mr. Dannforth, Reverend Rose


My dear wife. This is the 28th of May; and I am now in Cambridge Old England. I have had a peep at most all the Colleges yet have seen but little of them.

Mr Simson I heard preach last night on the ascension. I liked it well. I breakfasted at the house of a good Old Lady Mrs Dornforth. the Rev. Schomberg of Lutterworth happened most providentially to be present.

Mr Simson came in; all was kindness and wish to [serve] [me]. Mr S attended me to Professor Farish’s where I am to stay during my residence in Cambridge [Trunk] to be sent at 3--came to the Inn and fond Mr Schomberg. By the bye of this Mr S I like him well is a good scholar, talks about giving up his living in England and going to America with [nieces] But more of this.

28 May 3 oclock

Mr Simson dined with me at Mis Dornforth’s a Lady of 74 excellent in her [?] and zeal has a ton in [Calantta] about my age.

Mr S being called off Mrs Dornforth and myself went to drink tea with a Mr Chase, an excellent man of good abilities, two sisters wife and 9 children. He went with me to Professor Farish and spent the evening.

29 May Saturday 1824

Fine day. Was introduced to Mr Brown Tutor of Trinity; also to the Vice Chancellor of the University attended church at St Mary’s [11] [?] Holling[?] preached. The litany only very impressive standing alone, thus, in the service of the day 29. (Escape of K. Cha II).

4. dined in the Hall of Trinity College--[?] silver [?] of ale woven from top to bottom and the broad rimed silver platter filled with rose water, ancient custom of which I will explain the reason and age when I see you.

[Grace] in latin--said too fast by 2 students by way of [?] closed with the singing of a very solemn anthem. How different this from the [?] colleges in [?].

The Rev Mr Rose came home with me about 6

Mr Schomberg spent the evening with me.

Sunday 30 morning attend Professor Farish Church.

Noon went to St Marys; heard Mr Rose preach the [University] sermon. Congregation very large--3 attended Divine service at Kings Chapel performed after the cathedral way responsive singing most ravishing. No sermon. The Chapel one of the most magnificent in the world. I must tell you more of this when I see you, particularly the painting at the east end.

6. Went to Mr [Simsons] Church. Mr read prayers and Mr Simson preached. The last verse of the [?]. Lord Harrowby’s son went to Mrs Dornforth’s with Mr Simson and myself [we] [supped] most agreeably.

31 May

Breakfasted with the Rev Mr Rose and Lady several of the fellows of Trinity Coll. present 12. called on Mrs Dornforth saw there 2 sisters of the Vice Chancellor

Letter to Sophia Chase



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