"Letter to G.W. Marriott" by Mr. E. Coppleston



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Mr. Coppleston explains to Marriott why he did not visit him while in London. He also notes the improving reputation of Bishop Chase in England, though he adds that it is more important that they donate to the Church in Canada.






England Voyage, Marriott, Oxford, King's Bench


Oriel College

May 31. 1824

My dear Marriott

You are aware how short & hurried my last visit to London was — and that it did not afford me an opportunity of calling upon any friend. The whole was devoted to business & duties of various kinds. I till I did as you suggested — On Monday morning I took my station in the court of King’s Bench, and was fortunate enough to get close to your elbow — but you were closely engaged in addressing the Court on the subject of the Ecclesiastical rights which you told me had been attacked. Pressed as I was for time I could not wait for the conclusion of your speech, and of course it was impossible even to attract your notice, while that was going on.

Bishop Chase dined with me a few months ago. We were much struck with the primitive simplicity of his look & nabber — as well as with the real [evinced] in his truly apostolical expedition. Soon after, I found that story prejudices prevailed against him — and that he was thought to have overstated his case, so [then] unfairly to other parts of the Union, which were even more destitute than his! But I am happy to find that all opposition is now at an end. It is likely that both his & the general cause will meet with liberal support in Oxford — but we must take care to reserve something for Canada which is about to solicit our aid, and which has the strong claim of common country upon us — and in which the former donations sent for religious purposes have been turned to the best account.

Nothing, I trust, will prevent us from receiving your son in M’ch 1825 — but the final arrangements can never be absolutely made till the time is nearer. Your wishes have been already noted down ‚ & whatever becomes of me, will not be disregarded.

I pray, who have been staying a day or two with me [?] drop this letter in the two penny post.

Believe me,

My dear Friend,

Ever Sincerely Yours,

E. Coppleston

They tell me from Devonshire that you are [?] to pass some part of this summer at Sid[?] be rejoiced if such is the case — for I think I [?] spend many weeks in that neighbourhood.

Letter to G.W. Marriott



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