"Letter to Lord Kenyon" by William Gray


William Gray



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Gray has discussed Chase's case with the Archbishop of York. He also discusses the subscription lists and hopes they will have increased since he last saw them. Gray asks Kenyon to give Chase his regards before he returns to America.




Archbishop of York, Bp. Chase, Bristol


Pembrook (near Derby) 10th July, 1824

My Lord,

The letter which your Lordship did me the honour to write has been forwarded to me at this place, where I am making some stay. My supported influence with the Archbishop of York has been overstated, though I certainly did take the liberty twice to address his Grace concerning Bishop Chase, & have reason to hope I was successful in removing some misapprehensions which at the time either had arisen or were likely to do so. At this moment, I will not say whether I shall venture further. If I do, I hope I shall not be going beyond your Lordship’s permission in intimating that his Grace of Canterbury has signified his intention to subscribe; a circumstance which may have weight on this occasion.

I had some time ago the printed subscription list up to May. I hope is has much increased, and particularly that Bristol and the West of England have contributed.

From the place from which your Lordship writes I may presume that the excellent Bishop will see you before his embarking. If so, may I request to have my cordial respects & good wishes presented to him. He knows he has my prayers.

I am, most respectfully,

My Lord

Your Lordship’s obedient servant,

Will. Gray

P.S. I see of Rev. W[?] Vernon the Archbishop’s son & a [?] residentiary of York is in the list of subscribers. I wish he had been mentioned more fully.

Letter to Lord Kenyon



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