"Letter to Philander Chase" by John Marriott


John Marriott



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Marriott tells Chase that both the subdean of Exeter and Lady Olivia Sparrow have promised to subscribe to his cause




subdean of Exeter, Bishop Fisher, Lady Olivia Sparrow, Lady Acland, Lord Gambier, Lord Kenyon


Broad Chit

July 10th, 1824

Right Red. & Dear Sir,

Having to inclose these papers to you from my brother George, I am glad to [script] the opportunity of telling you that our hopes have been rais’d with regard to the being able to do something in this neighborhood by one or two favorable circumstances. One is the promise of a subscription from the subdean of Exeter, Bishop Fisher’s Brother. I am also happy to tell you, that Lady Olivia Sparrow, lends most willingly a tributary, at my request, to Lady Acland’s fund (as does her daughter, Lady M[?]) & sends me word that she had some time ago desired a friend to put her down for 50£ to the several funds but that she suspected it had been neglected, & wd. write to Lord Gambier about it immediately. Her Lady has desired me to inform you of this mission with as little delay as possible; & of its having been remedied. She adds that she would have written herself, had she known where to address you. It gives me great pleasure to forward this intelligence.

With the heartiest good wishes, & the warmest interest in your cause, I am,

Right Revd and Dear Sir,

Your faithful friend & servant,

John Marriott

Pray give my cordial respects to Lord Kenyon.

Letter to Philander Chase



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