"Letter to Philander Chase" by Duff Macfarlane


Duff Macfarlane



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Miss Macfarlane sends Bp. Chase three lists of books and articles she hopes will reach him soon. She will write to him again but wishes to use this letter simply to describe the lists.




Lady Rosse, Missionary Society, Mr. Marriott, Liverpool


Right Rev. & dear Sir,

I enclose three lists — one of Lady [Rosse’s] books — another half sheet with the list of other books that are gone in the box with these, a [?] at Mr. Marriott’s — on the other side of this half sheet. I have put down such other books as I know you have had in case you may like to have some memorandum of them. They are I suppose at the Missionary House. I hope all will reach Liverpool before the 15th. The 3rd list is of the articles in the box. No. 1 for Rev. Chase & the base, No. 2 is the Chapel Communion plate — I hope the Society books will go today — I shall not add more in this as I write it for a memorandum to keep with the lists, and I am going to write direct to you at Manchester by this day’s end — as I send this to Mr. G[?] to track, which takes three days longer, I wish to send it off today. Always with the greatest respect & beyond I am Rev. Dear sir, truly and faithfully yours,

Duff Macfarlane

Letter to Philander Chase



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