"Letter to Philander Chase" by Duff Macfarlane


Duff Macfarlane



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Miss Macfarlane promises to send money to Mr. Wiggins and believes Lady Rosse will also support their cause.




Mr. Wiggins, Lady Rosse


Right Rev. & very dear Sir,

I must write in reply to yours received this morning of the 8th from Sir T. Aclands. Altho’ it can only be very hastily that does not signify much. I thank you greatly for telling me freely what you do, the [?] must be had. I have the command of money tho’ not of my own & I can & will pay for them & happy to do so. I shall, I doubt not get the money made up. Tho’ I need not [figure] how at present. I know that Lady Rosse will [?] into it. Altho’ I may not mention it to her immediately in short I know I can get it done someday & they must be had. Let Mr. Wiggins get them as you proposed & let me know how I can send him the money. I shall mention it to no one. So you may trust me. I am very ignorant about transfering money matters, but should think Mr. Wiggins will easily manage for me to send the money to him. I hope this will reach you with him. I have only a few minutes to save the [?]. Thank you again Dear Sir for [?]ing as you do. You know not how thankful I feel to have the hope of aiding what may do good [?] the Glory of God. I will write again, but can only now add being with the greatest and most affectionately, with blessings, I am

Duff Macfarlane

Letter to Philander Chase



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