"Letter to Philander Chase" by Harriet Hutton


Harriet Hutton



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Harriet Hutton wishes Bp. Chase luck on his voyage to America and tells him that there is growing support for his cause in Colchester.




voyage to America, Colchester


Right Rev. and Very dear Sir,

I cannot allow an opportunity to pass of sending you a few lines, without conveying to you my sincere wishes, and warmest prayers, for the success of your mission. May God Almighty prosper you, my dear sir. May “He who hath begun a good Work in you perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” — May the “favorable kindness” of the Lord encompass you as with a shield, “and though your way be rough and thorny yet” “heavy your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace,” May you safely surmount every obstacle. May you “run with patience the race which is set before you,” & at length arriving at the destined goal may you receive, as the reward of all your labours in Christ Jesus, a bright & never fading crown of glory — All your friends, & believe me dear Bishop Chase you have many in Colchester, earnestly wish that you could prolong your stay in England, as your cause is daily gaining ground & your presence would not only serve to [?] and replenish the flame which you have already kindled in the minds of many, but would also, with the Divine assistance, be the means of stirring up many an unkindled member, to zeal and alacrity in your cause. However if this must not be, & we are doomed to meet no more on Earth, we will look forward to & earnestly long for, a period, which to none of us can be very distant, where we shall all meet before the House of God, & shall, I humbly hope, thro’ the merits of our Saviour, begin our Eternity of joy together. Farewell! Dear Bishop Chase, may success attend your labours, & may immortal glory crown these.

Yours most affectionately,

Harriet Hutton

Colchester, July 8th

Letter to Philander Chase



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