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Lord Kenyon is expressing his support for Bp. Chase's seminary.
Gredington, England
England voyage, money, Dr. Gaskin, Lord Kenyon
Recommended Citation
Kenyon, Lord, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 313.
April 24
My dear Sir
I know not where to find an excellent friend G Marriott, but as I understand that this will assuredly find you at Cotesbatch[sic]; & as we three, I say it most thankfully, are in perfect sympathy in every thing relative to your own & the other American claims, I take the liberty to let you know & him thro’ you that I wish to add the £10 to my Subscription to Ohio, to make it £30 as I have written last night to Mr Wheaton to desire that my £20 to Connecticut may be made into £50 now he & Bp Hobart are united. I have left it to Mr W to determine whether my add’l £30 shall stand as my subscription to him & Bp H conjointly & the original £20 be kept by him for Connecticut, or whether the £50 shall be blended. I prefer leaving it to Mr W’s discretion tho’ there is I know high authority for determining in the Cath manner[.] Most heartily do I congratulate you & rejoice with you my honoured Sir at the prosperous result which now is assured to your truly Xtian conduct. Now I wish it might have been that my most revered friend & [?] could have been spared to witness the benefit he conferred on the Church he so loved in producing the influence you humbly say he has done in your [mind] & dispositions. That he does know it & has joy in it I seriously believe; but among all the [prior] [?] to which we are subject in this state of being, there is none felt more [?]ingly I think that [our] [cut] at consciousness of the comfort we sh’d experience from witnessing the sympathy of those most [?] to our hearts. That we have the consolation tho’ Faith, I admit & humbly rejoice in. How great my dear Sir must [you] be at the unmixed joy and a[?] [?] [loss] you [must] [hope][?] at the delightful account of your amiable & exemplary departed Son. That it will please God to raise up to you [all] & sufficient co adjutors to [exalt] you to [?] His will & nurture His Church in Ohio will not doubt; & the prosperity of that Church must be to [?] [her] Sons & [her] Daughters. I am glad to think we shall meet again before long in London; & truly glad shall I be to attend you at our Central School, or any where else, where your kind wishes & my time will allow. I am not so selfish as to wish to see you here to the neglect of any duty you have to perform; & were I so selfish; lest I very much hope it may be in good Dr Gaskin’s power to accompany you here, as all circumstances as connected with you give you so [?]ting a place in my heart. I beg my kind regards to your excellent Host & Hostess and remain My dear Sir with true respect our obligedly faithful
My worthy neighbour Rev’d John Murray of Whitchurch [?] has put £2 in my hands for Ohio.