"Letter to Philander Chase" by Timothy Wiggin


Timothy Wiggin



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Wiggin is giving Chase advice on how best to get more support and praising the support that he has already gathered.




Manchester, England


England voyage, General Theological Seminary, Bp. Hobart, Reverend Wheaton, Bp. of Durham, Ohio, college


Manchester April 24 — 1824

My Dear friend,

Your favor of the 21st was recd yesterday and read with much pleasure. Your letters become more interesting daily, and the cause of Ohio, which excited our greatest anxiety, while in danger of being [smothered] is acquiring strength as it ascends to the highest orders, whose patronage and support will make success certain and your future labours comparatively easy.

I have looked through the house that Jack built and find it [unfurnished], except with a few valuable materials borrowed from Ohio. The want of the Church in the immense territory beyond the mountains are ably stated, but no means of relief are provided or remedy proposed; for who will believe that a territory more than 2000 miles in length & 700 in breadth, and whose meare distance from the General Theological Seminary in near 1000 miles can be supplied from that quarter. That institution contains at present 17 pupils and is an object of great interest with the friends of the American Church, and may be looked up to for a Supply of Succeeding.

Bishops and Clergy wanted for vacancies occasioned by death or otherwise in the Eastern Sates, which are now comparatively well supported, possibly for that small portion of territory beyond the Mountains which forms a part of the Diocese of Virginia, Pensylviania & New York. More than this cannot be reasonable expected. How then is that territory to be supplied? The answer is by a Theological Seminary in some central situation, and all agree that Ohio is the spot. It is admitted that the General Seminary has not funds at present of establishing Branch Schools; where then can aid be expected [only] from members of the Church of England who are wiling to be instruments of perpetuation in that extensive and peculiarly interesting portion of the United Sates the faith & worship of their Venerable & Apolostolic Church. Take from the application of Bishop Hobart & Mr. Wheaton the interesting Situation of the territory to the west of the mountains, and you will take from it nearly all its interest. In regard to your intended circular I can only take a Country view, but I beg to suggest the [propriety] of introducting the loss, sustained by the Church, in the Death of your ever to be [commented] Son; and perhaps an extract from Bishop Bowen’s letter, commemorating that event. Such testimonies of approbation as may be thought most appropriate and that of the application for Subscription in favor of the Seminary in Ohio is approved by the Right Rev’d Bishop Hobart of New York & by the Right Rev’d Bishop Chase of Ohio. I do not think it expedient to take any notice whatever of the application for New York & Connecticut but a list of subscribers for a portion of them, would have much influence. Some of our Clergy here objected to my application, at first, and said they saw no reason why they should support it, [?ly] the bishops did. They seemed to think that we ought to apply to them first. The [Warden] did not make [?] objection, but gave me his patronage [?] in a note of hearty approbation.

You will be supported by a part of the Bishops [?] sincerely hope by them all, with the Archbishop at the head, but if not, then subscription to the cause of New York & Connecticut will [insure] your thin support will have great weight with the principal Clergymen in [?] town. It will therefore be desirable to have as much of that influence as possible. I was much delighted to learn that the Venerable Bishop of Durham approved of what you were about. You know he has patron of Dr. [Paley]. I hope he will become acquainted with the merit of your cause and did your introduction to the Clergy at Durham. I shall be glad to hear of your processfings when you have time to write, and particularly of the result of your interview with the Archbishops. All at Platt Hall write in kind regards, with your faithful friend,

T. Wiggin

The Right Rev Bishop Chase

10 Featherstone Buildings

Near Holborne


Letter to Philander Chase



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