"Letter to Philander Chase" by Josiah Pratt


Josiah Pratt



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Pratt tells chase that he must send a list of names and their donation amounts to the Archbishop of Canterbury in order to gain the Archbishop's approval.




London, England


England voyage, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Marriott, Appeal


Original in Church Historical Society, Philadlphia

Letter from Josiah Pratt to Bishop Chase

London, April 23rd 1824

Right Rev. & Dear Sir

I am afraid that your letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury must remain till your return to Lond, & are able to send the names of weight, with the amounts of subscriptions annexed, by which you would wish to influence His Grace. The Archbishop’s request, of a list of names, was evidently for the purpose of governing himself in respect of the amount of his own contribution, and therefore implies the annexation of the sums. Mr. Marriott has given me authority to use names, in the advertisement which we propose to prepare for publication; but as I think a list of names without the annexed sums is not what His Grace wants, it seems to me better to wait till such sums are ascertained in the natural course of things, than to send the list to the Archbishop prematurely. It may be said, by way of apology for delay, if any apology should be thought required, that you had been absent from London. If, however, you and Mr. Marriott should think that your letter should go in to the Archbishop without delay, with names without sums, I will send it in immediately, on your reply by return post.

I directed 100 copies of the “Appeal” to be sent by the Coach to-night to Rugby, directed by Miss Marriott.

Will you be so kind as to inform Mr. Marriott, with my best respects, that I received his note of this morning’s, & shall attend to his intimation.

May it please God, Dear Sir, to direct and prosper your way, and render you every where a dispenser of “spiritual” good things to the members of the beloved Church, that we may feel ourselves under the deeper obligation to make Ohio partaker of our “carnal” things.

I am ever, Rt. Rev. & Dear Sir,

Your obedient & affectionate Servant

Josiah Pratt

Letter to Philander Chase



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