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Mr. Mosley has agreed to put his name down to the subscription
Manchester, England
England voyage, Mr. Evans, Mr. Mosley, Appeal
Recommended Citation
Wiggin, Timothy, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 226.
Manchester Jany 26 1824
My Dear Sir
The inclosed came to hand this morning also one presented by Mr. Evans which I have directed to the care of Mr. Hodgson, and which you will probably receive with this. I have nothing new to communicate, having written to you fully on Saturday evening, except a communication from Mr. Mosley who had recd the appeal, and promised me to go over to one of the parties and deliver them the following day. He has also desired me to put his name to the subscription for five [?] and give his compliments to you with most hearty wishes for your success. -- I hope soon to communicate something interesting from the Warden and other and remain Dear Sir
Most sincerely yours
T. Wiggin.