"Letter to Philander Chase" by Charles Burton


Charles Burton



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


The printer of Chase's appeals has deviated from their plan, so Burton is sending the work to another office. Burton rejoices to be a part of this important work.






England voyage, Reverend Jones, Mr. Worall, Mr. Phillips, Appeal, Ohio


Manchester, 26 January 1824

Rt. Revd and Very Dear Friend,

You will, no doubt, have expected the appeals’ according to our arrangement. I am sorry to acquaint you that the Printer has so widely deviated from his engagement, that I have been necessitated to remove the book to another office; from which I have a contract that they shall be ready to be sent off on Thursday morning. Dear Bishop, this delay may excite a [?] disappointment in your own warmly susceptible [brush], but, I [feel] persuaded, it will, in no degree, militate against ultimate success.

Perhaps it may be necessary to inform the Revd [W.] Jones (of [Chatham] Street) of this unavoidable delay. I hope you found my valued friends Mistrs. Worral and Phillips. I am sure you cannot be in better hands, as far as human instrumentality is availing. Dear Bishop, you and your cause are constantly present to my meditations. I ardently desire and pray that the wilderness of Ohio and Indiana may become like Eden; and the deserts of Mississippi and Missouri like the Garden of the Lord. Bless God that he has disposed and enabled and sanctified you to be as the voice of one crying in the wilderness, “make straight in the Desert a high-way for our God.” Doubtless “a high-way should be those, and the ransomed of the Lord shall pass over.” Happy they who count all things feel loss to preach the unsearchable riches of all! How beautiful on the mountains must be the feel of those publishers of glad tidings! What great joy in every city village and wood whose [?] is preached! Well, most worthy Father, thank God and take courage. The Lord of [Ports] is with you the God of Jacob is your refuge. If your pecuniary aid be not [munificent] your own benefit and that of your Diocese [?] by your visit to the Country, will be incalculably various and important. For myself, I rejoice to have participated in your affection and your prayers, and I believe our meeting on Earth will be the source of joy and praise in Heaven. I beg your blessing; and have the happiness to be, very affect yours

Chas Burson.

P.S. A line from you (addressed Oxford Road Manchester) would afford me peculiar pleasure.

Letter to Philander Chase



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