"Letter to Philander Chase" by Timothy Wiggin


Timothy Wiggin



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Wiggin has been working getting subscriptions. He believes that the Warden will soon support his and Chase's cause. He thinks that the prospects are improving.




Manchester, England


England voyage, Lord Gambier, Mr. Hollis, Appeal, the Warden, Reverend Shaw, Dr. Smith, Bartlett's Buildings Society, Sir Oswald Mosley


Manchester Jany 24 1824

Right Rev and Dear Sir

I sent you a note yesterday from Lord Gambier, and I have not recd any thing for you since I called Mr. Hollis this day and he expressed himself warmly in your favour, and told me he had read the appeal with great interest. He also told me the Revd Mr. Shaw was highly interested, and would do all he could to aid the cause. I have only made 3 applications for subscriptions, and was successful in two of them, and the third, who is a good friend to the cause, told me he would subscribe, but had not made up his mind how much. He said he was a little impoverished having just given 50 pounds to the Deaf and Dumb institution about to be established in this town. I spent an hour with the Warden to day and he gave the subject more attention than I expected, and told me he was at a loss to conceive why it had been made a party question in London, and could see no good reason for the rejection of the cause at Bartlett building. He also appeared to be desirous to prevent it becoming a party question here, and I told him in reply that I hoped he would support the cause, and in that case, it would most probably be supported by both parties. He finally told me he would see Dr. Smith respecting it and let me know his decision. I hope they will give in [thine] names, as it would aid in materially with all parties - The Rev. Mr. Hollis has [but] his appeal to several friends from whom he expects support, and intended to put one into the hands of Sir Oswald Mosley this evening, when he is expected in town. He thinks Sir Oswald very likely to take an interest in it, and to become a subscriber. Mr. Hollis thinks it would be of great service to distribute appeals very freely, which I intend to do as soon as the Manchester edition is ready. Upon the whole I think I am proceeding very well, and that our prospects improve. I do not know whether you will approve of my manner of heading the subscription, in different words from those I used on that given to Mr. Burton. Some remarks made by one or two persons this day induce [?] to use the following words.

“Subscriptions for the support of a [school] for educating Clergymen in the Diocese of Ohio in the United States of America,” I think this wording will suit all parties here better than the former. If you should find it necessary to remain longer in Liverpool than you expected I shall [?] to hear what progress you are making there. Believe me Dear Sir Sincerely yours

T. Wiggin

Letter to Philander Chase



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