
Dr. Ramsey



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Dr. Ramsey has just recovered from a long illness, and his wife has lost several family members, but he says his struggles are nothing compared to those of the Chase family.




Dr Ramsey, Philander Chase, Lord Russell, Mr Marks, religion, Mrs Ramsey, High Wycombe, Sophia Chase, Friendly Visitor, Wilson, Robins Nest, Miss Lloyd, Mr Mortimer, illness


Amersham 23 July 1841

Right Reverend & truly Beloved & Honoured Bishop!

I should not have been so long in thanking you for yr most kind & welcome & interesting letters of the 11 Nov 1840 & one [unknown] date but for a long & [dangerous] illess wh. confined me more than 4 months to my bed, & from wh I am still only so far recovered as to spend my day on the [sofa], [creep]ing into the garden sometimes, or taking a short [airing]. My disorder has been on the heart, the chief seat of soul, whether mind or body, & the chief part to look to for the [apphention] of remedy. Dearest Sir! How w’d it have [?] & comforted me if you c’d have been at my bedside in my Extremity! Not indeed that I have been without mutual [advisers] well to be listened to. Mr Marks (the author of the Retrospect &c) has been my present [monitor]: Lord [Wm] [?] Russell, & several others of like mind; & I cannot say how precious these prayers & [exhaltators] have been to me. I was taken [2nd July], when apparently well & as happy as ever in a life of indeed abounding happiness I ever was, being on my news at the time with our little household, & had reason to think that I might be removed in a moment. This state of things was permitted by my [Infinitely] Wise & Good Heavenly Father to continue more than 5 months; & I am even now scarcely convalescent. But I dwell thus far on my personal circumstances only to say that I account this [orientation] as the greatest mercy & blessing; & do indeed almost dread the return into the world, as the cloud [breaks] [away] for the sunshine of that Sweet peace wh. was graciously [?] to me when the world seemed fast passing out of my sight has appeared to me of unspeakable moment to my everlasting good. If this letter reach you, dearest friend! let me beg yr prayers that, shd my health be mercifully restored for a time, may not be permitted to fall away from the solemn impressions this particular illness has made upon me throughout its [contranance]; & that I [may] still be made by the grace of God more & more [humble] of my [purpose] [?], of my spiritual need of my only Saviour, & of the constant help of the Holy Spirit. In great mercy, my dear helpmeet’s health has been so far restored that she has been enabled to un[?????] all the [precious] Services wh my blessed [?] for man’s wellbeing & comfort so wonderfully supplies. Within the last year three deaths of near relatives — [three] of her nieces & one of her nephews, & a dear Christian sister in law (at High [Wycombe]) have much affected us. But we have found that these [things] are good for us; I have throughout our trials lacked no good thing. Very often, the finest examples of honoured, dear Mrs Chase & yourself have come [principally] to our minds & hearts, & have been made, I hope, useful to us. In what [have] we to call afflictions, dearest friend! compared with [yours]! And how [?] is the recollection that [such] dear friends have nevertheless been graciously carried thro’ all their difficulties so far as to lift up voices of [peace] & thanksgiving to be heard across the Atlantic! Oh! Dearest Bishop! Very thankful indeed we are to have been in the kind Providence of God [brought] even thus partially acquainted with yr remarkable history! May it be made here [?] [to] [?] throughout the world, when we shall all have left our Several Scenes of [probation] in “the world across of the world”! And may more & more of [that] “[place] which passeth all understanding,” beloved Sir! be graciously given to you & my [Ohio] whatsoever may remain to you of “the chances & changes of [?]ful life!” My dear Wife sent off yesterday a carefully prepared statement wh she has had long on her send to Mr [Thom.] Wilson for [execution], if he [judge] well, in his widely circulated “Friendly Visitor.” The object of it is to obtain by small subscriptions a sufficient annual sum to provide yr establishment at dear Robin’s Nest with a [Sum] [at] [or] [?] it has quite [?] as to think that you sh’d want this ordinary [?], & shd both be thus compelled to “[Serve] tables” instead of giving yr [invaluable] to me, [?], & [in] [bonus] of love in mind & Body to so much more worldly objects. Our endeavours for this little matter have been quickened by the two circumstances wh have for the present suspended our own personal means of help where truly it w’d have been the delight of our hearts to have done an hundredfold. But the cessation altogether of my professional income [coming] on our long practice of not [?]ing by money (for this we have thought to be our duty for many years): & very recently the Bankruptcy of my Wycombe brother under circumstances of great [?] has known upon us almost entirely, the support of her four children, their excellent Mother being, as I have already said, removed by death at the very crisis of the trouble.

[But] [we] hope my most dear friend! & be permitted to testify our reverent affection & care for you in some way. And we have found good “to prove us, & to humble us” to be made to feel that the dearest [?] of our hearts for even the most feared objects (as [truly] all wh relates to you & yours are) can be done as well if not better by other [hands] instead of our own. On the wonderful goodness of God in all wh He graciously appoints for us, whether for the present it seem or be “joyous” or “[?]”. And [now], most honoured Bishop! & most honoured Lady! Farewell for a Season again! Truly we love you with all our hearts & send all the love to you & your family we can!

For I am yours & [I] [have] most affectionately

J Ramsey

We have a little more than £4 in hand for Robins Nest: & a box of books about to be dispatched to Miss Lloyd or Mr Mortimer: not very valuable: but the best we have been able to procure.

Letter to Philander Chase



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