Zhou Yan Contemporary Chinese Art Archive 周彦当代中国艺术档案



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Oil Painting


There is no title information for this oil painting. As seen in this painting, Yang has a keen capability to turn color into a narrative force. Her use of abstract imagery and wild colorization highlight a story that would have otherwise been hidden in this painting. The painting seems to depict a person, presumably a woman, lying on bedding made blue tones with certain multicolor highlights. Meanwhile, her face is mostly made up of red and orange colors, a sharp contrast to the bed and her short, black hair. The expression on her face seems to show both mournful and grieving feelings, but also the process of drifting into sleep. The artist is often concerned with the organic nature of things, focusing on concepts of darkness, solitude, and the psychological, physiological, and linguistic differences of observed between and how these differences lead to an increased sense of "physicality, irrationality, tenderness, maternity, dependency, sentimentality, and subjectivity" (https://digital.kenyon.edu/zhoudocs/370/) (Nicole Wang '26).



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