Stephen Mack
The vellum is very worn and there is damage on line 27 of Verso. The bottom line is strangely cut.; Decorative letters; Lettere Btarde, Erin Kathleen Donovan writes that it should be considered Gothic Rotunda Hand; There are some historiated initials, they are all very simple.; The writing in red ink was done at the same time as the other writing, in some cases it corrects or adds to letters, in other places it seems to be commentaries on the text. This page has not yet been translated or transcribed.; Ege tells us that this missal is rare because it is written on vellum, at this time most missals were made from parchment. On an unrelated note, the poor condition of the vellum may be from constant use, Missals were often kissed during Mass by the priest, this may explain why the manuscript is in worse condition than others in the set. Its use, as a book read by the priest during Mass, accounts for its large size; Black, red, and blue inks
Description Recto
Missal; Flesh Side
Description Verso
Missal; Hair Side
Purchased from Otto F. Ege
Format Medium
Format Extent
39 cm x 29.5 cm
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Relation Is Part Of
Otto F. Ege's "50 Original Leaves from Medieval Manuscripts"
Date Digitized
November 2006
Early 1500s
Recommended Citation
Unknown, "Missal: Number 49" (2014). Medieval Manuscripts. 31.