


Stephen Mack


Damage on the bottom right corner. The ink on the John the Evangelist illumination has smudged slightly. Nonetheless, all images and writing are still easily legible. Damage seems to be from dirt, presumably this book was used frequently.; Decorative staff on Verso as well as an illumination of St. John the Evangelist.; Angular Gothic Script. Ege notes the incredibly detailed work of the black letters, for instance, note the "O" next to the image of John the Evangelist, however, the rubrications are very simple and seem to be the work of a less skilled craftsman. This is unusual, normally the rubricator is the more skilled artist.; St. John the Evangelist with the body of an eagle -- the symbol associated with him.; This image is incredibly beautiful and intricate considering the size of the image -- barely three centimeters in any direction. Of the known images from this manuscript, this is the only one which has an image on it, which suggests that it is the first page of the book.; The Evangelist's face is left white and is accentuated by black lines. His face is young and angelic with curlicue hair, all traditional aspects of depictions of the Evangelist. His head then turns into the body of an eagle, and the tail of the animal decoratively wraps around the image.; On the Verso, there are two notations written, the style of their script suggests that they were written several centuries after the book was originally made.; It seems that some of the writing on the top has been cut off, it is possible that a small portion of the top was cut because of damage.; Black blue, red, green, white, brown, and gold inks

Description Recto

Kalendar continued and beginning of Temporale; Flesh Side

Description Verso

This seems to be the first page of this manuscript, usually Breviaries from France during this period of time began with the Kalendar.; Hair Side


Purchased from Otto F. Ege

Format Medium


Format Extent

15 cm x 11 cm



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Relation Is Part Of

Otto F. Ege's "50 Original Leaves from Medieval Manuscripts"

Date Digitized

October 2006




Late 1200s

Breviary: Number 18



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No Copyright - United States