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Several matters. Archdeacon.




letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, church


[Cincinnati] March 24

Dear Bishop

There is none of your items that I have not written you about, Broadnose included, except warrior + I understood you as having enclosed to wait as to it, to hear from Abbott what he preferred, whether to wait till the consecration or not. And as I had not included Warren or my list, I considered it left to you of Abbott preferred now or before the consecration of his Ch. I do not know of any body for Monroeville unless it would be well to move Young from Jefferson, where I think he is uncomfortable from the idea that he is not satisfactory + where I believe the people or some of them who think they must have a great man, do want him to go. I rather think he is too good for them. I don’t favor the idea of French going to be Sanford’s Chaplain at all. If he is to leave Oberlin he must go a great deal higher than that, which in reality is less in dignity + usefulness than his present position. Nothing but the [?] impossibility of getting by person fit for such a place as Oberlin to be willing to take it has prevented me from urging the cell of French to see a higher [grade] of parish - as he is abundantly competent. I would have [?] him for St. James Cinc. where he would have been just the man, but what shall we do for Oberlin, [?]. I have scarcely been able to satisfy my self that it was right to keep him from better positions. But what is a Chaplancy to a ladies’ school? They of course go to some Church on Sundays - or ought to. There his work is stopped of the whole of Sunday [Pg1]

public preaching. It is a matter of morning & evening prayer, prayer meetings & perhaps the charge of the religious recitation - teaching. Now Mr. French is competent to much more than that. Some invalid man is the one for such a place, some [throat-diseased] man. When I saw F. at Monroeville, he mentioned Sanford’s wishes, but did not seem to like the idea. I have a letter from Mr. [Cader] once I wrote you this morning. He says I have heard correctly concerning the debt & that the inside arrangements are as I saw [Pg3] then. I write you about a preacher, mentioning Bp. Bedell Dr. Brown & Dudley + leaving you tot your choice. I don’t see why you should not select a preacher for Grace Ch. as well as any other that you have consecrated.

I suppose Hartley had left Gambier when my letter to him got to you. I [?] in that letter to Bp. Potter.

I have no answer yet from the Pres. of the Christ. Commission as to Powell.

I believe the last Sunday in May will do for a Confirmation in Gambier + I will thank you to have it put in my published list. Archdeacon [Hellworth] put off his visit to G. with a view of being there about that time & going thence to the Convention. I shall work him. Probably you as a resident had better do it also.

I am waiting your [?] intentions better before writing to him. Of course do as you like about the Sunday after Convention in Dayton.

Our salary matters seem to promise badly. I have recd but 1100 + odd, + every price here is awful. Mutton 15 cents the pound, hay 35 dollars a ton My man 30 a month, &c.

But we must put down the Rebellion at all events. I telegraphed you about the consecration, as you will have learned by my letter this morning. I spend E. Sund. at Springfiled + go next day to Urbana.

Yours affectionately

Chas. P. McIlvaine

Letter to Bishop Bedell



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