"Letter from C.P McIlvaine to Mrs. McIlvaine" by Charles Pettit McIlvaine



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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Promotion of the American cause (handwritten copy)




letter, McIlvaine, wife


1862 Cambridge Wells Feb. 9

Copy of letter from Bishop M H[?] to Mrs. McIlvaine

My dearest wife,

How strange it [?] to be so long away from you, and all the dear ones at home, and such solemn and [?] in touch of our country being settled, and I so long engaged. Had another such person as I have to [?] and talk with a [?] those in trust. It is a remarkable chapter in my history. I should forget that I am in England-- London had become too familiar-- English seemed to accustomed-- that except that I am absent from you all and my diocese, I hardly [?] that I am in a foreign land. Yes, but I do, when I must [?], as I do meet with them, so many with whom, as a deep [?] of American, it is most amazing to meet, and talk, and see their ignorance, and half concluded superstitions, and cold [?] have so, under purpose of a wonderful [?] to [?] [?] disdain instead [?] of Mercy as the price of their [?]-- father with us. Such I do meet, not [?] wanting in good manners of friends one, nor among such Christian brothers as I have been used to association with here. We had a great meeting last Friday night [?] [?] for H[?] to “sent[?]” American affairs, his manners found were filled. I wrote an account of it to Reed and as [?] him to send you the letter so I will not [?], but I carried the war into the strange country, and changed horse and [?]. I was safe. My spirit was protected, and I administered a dose. Baptist [?] looked all delight, for he is earnest by and [?] gently with us.

If H[?] could hear-- hear. He is most astounding with us. When it was [?] a clergyman an W. Norton came to me, and said “I am wholly with you”-- Abound to the most “fractious” of the others, a clergyman named Ger[?} and said “Reason [?] satisfied now [?].” By and by came a note of a clergyman saying great good had been done and asking if a fourth meeting had not better be called that we might say such things to many more. But I de[cline] all public and meetings. Yesterday he had told me he had heard several say they were satisfied by that meeting. Last Wednesday we went to dine and stay the night at [Intham] Palace. Bp. of London’s. there were present the Bp. of Oxford, Bangor, Bath and Wells, Gloucaster and Carlisle than French for John and Lady Word, Mr. Sullivan’s brother in law of Lord Palmaston, his daughter and I had some effective talk with London and Carlisle about our matters-- It was the day before Parliament. [Dean] French took [?] in to dinner. He was as is [?] of all about our affairs as if America was not. But he kept putting questions to [?], and knowing how little he sups-- father [?] with our side, did not want to talk on the subject. But he would, and you should hear from his [?] how she met him. Not a bit afraid [?] after to deal with him, very proper, but very decided and firm and brave. At last she put a home [?] of him: “Dear French (as if she had of any special meaning,) since hte English [?] put down the Sepay Rebellion, have they found the public spirit among the natives to the [?ing] of the Scriptures” “I don’t know.” She had him. In other words, you must sympathise with us under [?] [?] a a [?] of [?}.

What trust for the [?] of the Hinders has come of your [?] is their rebellion-- you are afraid to introduce the [?] to schools, lest you offend them. “I don’t know,” said the banned Dean-- [?] marched off with colors flying. In front of my daughters-- the Gov. fought to give him a salary. He is perfectly [?] must have, and very [?] in the whole matter, and [?] a great deal of administration. Anna don’t come out so much in the [?]-- but shoulders her over [?] and gets “garcon,” without having it except to not. I must have them to describe the dinner and company at the Duke of Ang[?] where we met another [?] Munster in this [?] In [?] [?]. It seemed almost as if we were among Americans, so American was the conversation of the Duke and Duchess as indicating a cord of feeling with our side, and a very intelligent fear of our cause. For several days we ahve been staying at a very delightful house in one of the finest parts of London.[?] Southern of Crescent--[?] [?] of the house of an old friend Mr. Bridges. Last thursday Parliament met [?] and [?] have engaged to meet a party at dinner asked to meet them at Mr. Bridges-- ended not to the speaking in the Ev. but now at the opening by the Lord Chancellor in the House of Lords. I heard Lord [?], and then had to go to Buckingham Palace to meet the Prince of Wales-- through Gen. Bance he had requested me to go there of the past for when I got to the palace what a journey it was through long halls before I came to the room in which [?] to see him. There I waited a few moments, [?] the surroundings, till the accompanied by the Prince came in. He was just as cordial and free and as devoid of any thing like stiffness of etiquette as other [?] with him at West Point. The object of the meeting was simply that he, for he mentioned his Eastern tour, he might share one as much attention as under his [?] of women may; he could-- they were then just getting off, in a quarter of an hour, to take a night journey to France. The Prince talked about our game of [?]. The Gen. said they often spoke of it. I know their time was short. I thought [?] said, I would not now de[?] you, and we said goodbye after a short entertainment. But after he had gone Gen. B[?] asked me to stay longer, and then he said, how much the Prince had regretted that as consequence of the affliction of his family, he had not been able to share me more attention-- that he had after spoken of it, and especially after the letter I had written him and the Gen. added for himself “How unfortunate it is that just when you are here, this state of things has [?]”-- they both asked about my daughters, and I gave him and Anna’s respectful [?]. [?] which [?] said was “Lutheran.” Before I left the Palace, I took two sips of the General’s coffee-- and some friends [?]-- He must [?]. I dined at Lady [?]’s Home and [?] were expected, but have had an inflamed eye and Anna stayed with her. We had another Cabinet Minister, for [?] [?], whom you met when you dined at Lord Hathaways-- also Lord [?] [?], another of Lord [?] [?] brother of Lord [?], for [?] evidently [?] ladies and laymen of position. My excellent friend, [?], let the conversation to American affairs to draw me out-- the sermon of [?] George Grey [?] me, or rather aroused the stars and stripes in me. What he said was not to me, but it fired me and if I did not let out!! Cabinet Minister, or what else-- I did not spare and he made no answer. But Lord R[?] only became the more operable, and attentive, and asked how long I was to be in London and when-- that I might have more [?] some more attention. Then I was asked to have prayers and expand something to the company. The next day I came [?] (S[?] and yesterday preached in the [?] church-- a very cold day and the maid would insist upon opening the door of my room every time I went out to give it air-- and thus I could not keep it [?]. [?] to London today, expecting to hear of an arrival, and some great word of one arrives-- OUr father host was the battle of [?] in [?], but no details. How uncertainly are all look for news-- a few decisive actions would settle matters with foreign governments. We were [?] [?] about the meeting of Parliament, but the speakers are the side of the ministry and the opposition indicate that the Gov. will not [?] longer before they interfere in any way. But they will not [?] from [?] Mason who is here ([?] is in Paris), is scarcely heard of. They will do no harm and it is a pity they were in [?] in their attempt to come here.

London- we have battle news, though we have the telegrams of the Ara[?] to Jan. 28-- letters to day from dean of [?] and her admirable husband. I am glad he has resigned. [?] to [?] he has here a most forth [?] affair, and no doubt God has found how [?] their entrusting the presentation of the Battle by one of the companies. But I am uncaring about his threat and cough. He thinks that army in Key cannot advance until the spring shall settle the roads-- but unless June [?] important [?] from [?], these European Powers will not [?] the [?] say how long. And one Gov. [?] break others and the expense. We move at the Houses of Parliament this evening-- the [?] first to the Gallery of the Commons and stayed till the [?] which they did very soon-- no business homily on hand [?] then took them to the Lords-- I found them where you were, while I was on the steps of the [?]-- they heard Lord M[?], Lord [?] and Earl R[eynolds]-- He first asked the Ministry what was the efficacy of our blockade, no doubt with a [?] here of giving Early R[?] an opportunity of saying something on that head. The first speech of the battle was quite formidable to our intention. He said he had talked with Mason about the [?] attack-- who said that about [?] ships had [?] it? The Earl asked him what there journey was. The Earl said that was a very important question. Mason found he did not know. Earl R said if the greater part of them were [battle] coasting [?], they did not break the blockade. Here will be a strong effort made to increase the Ministry to disturb it-- but Earl R[?] said favorably that it will [?] [?]. x x x -- We expect letters tomorrow by the Ara[?]. Here I leave my letter until tomorrow, only adding that as we are [?]lking this evening in the lobby of the House of Parliament, we met the Duke of New East[?], who turns mighty well pleased to see us-- asked if I had played mine [?] lately-- seemed exceedingly cordial, asked where are [?} in London &c &c.

That friday is my day to preach in the [?]-- I f[?] a letter around about it [?] an enormous congregation-- Americans lacking for [?] to -- clergy young &c the Lord enable me to be as noble as to do, what is right in his sight.

[?] Feb. 12th As Lord Rayleigh and Evens yesterday informed Mr. G[?] the Bp. of Rochester, and Re[?] to come here-- Cam[?] were out waiting at the station to bring us and the other company to this place, the last of Lord R-- a long company at dinner last evening.

Lady R-- as a sister to Capt. [?], and one of the gentlemen, his brother--

you should see my room, and the [?]-- long enough for a [?] each-- just as ever here ha[?] our lodgings come a glorious batch of letters x x x -- the battle of [?] is of great importance. This morning there were 14 at breakfast. We went through a beautiful conservatory last evening to get to the family chapel for prayers. Lady Rayleigh is very handsome-- just the face and form for a person. We go today to [?] of [?] to attend a monestary of the [?] Church Mission thence a few miles to [?] the last of the Bp. of Rochester-- thence after 2 days with him to London, where my work his [?]-- Oh! For a little of home dear ones all I wish you could see the garden there [?] [?]-- I am so [?] to see how perfectly at home Anna is everywhere and with every one, for [?] our own. In the [?], content very the first detailed account of the Loucaster battle--

Letter from C.P McIlvaine to Mrs. McIlvaine



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