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About Bishop Potter's son-speech on lack of objectivity in family's analysis of their children. Recommend Newton for Christ Church, Cincinnati. College gets bad reputation for drinking.




letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, church, Kenyon College


[?]field Saturday,

Dear Bishop,

I enclose a letter from Bp Potter- I agree favorably as to his son’s [?] from the fact that his Father rather encouraged his acceptance. In Bp Potter’s place may his d[ecen]cy as a Father would have been to judge the best favorably of a son’s qualifications at so early an age for such a post. Parents scarcely ever getting rid of the thoughts of their children as children [realize] with difficulty their qualifications for trying pos[itions] with experience has made them show it evidently.

I have rec’d Potter’s letter which you sent me- and with[stand] change of mind about him. But it looks dark. I will however write him and when I go East will see him. I do not go till the first week in May.

Your [??] came this morning-yes- [?] Newton. They are thinking of him and [?] for Christ Ch. Cinc. but I doubt whether anybody would like it in the circumstances. They [?] chose McCarty for a year, and he declined. But it was evidently with the idea that his followers would force a permanent call in the [?]. Yesterday Mr. [?] told me that things were in a very bad state. They talk of a parish meeting to [?] the calling of McCarty. Of course if the [?] stand fast they can do nothing lawfully, but no [?] they may elect a [?] that could affect their purpose, or [??] a state of things as would prevent any other means from accepting a call. Mr. [I] goes next week to Chicago to hear [?]. McCarty will be a trouble and [?] to it if he gets there.

I find from Mr. [?] whom I met yesterday that stories about [?] College [?] as to drinking are getting widely talked of. Adams carried away a good deal from Gambier. He is a [?] - Fairchild talks largely - and Morrell also. I shall write to them two letters and ask what they have to say and have hard. This talk must be stopped or the College will suffer greatly. If it [?] it must be ascertained.

I suspect to get here on Friday. I have agreed to hold a [?] at St. John Brooke Co...written Mr. Adams at Whee[ling] that if he and his [?] drink it, I will hold a [Confirmation] there. My [?] is that Bp. Johns is abandoning the Ch. of the [U.I.] - has [?] the charge of these [?] - as part of the Ch. of the [U.I.] - or at any [rate] “I will have many and [?] sac[rifice]’ is a good rule for [?] in reference to them.

Yours affectionately


I [??] last night Mr. Welles. He seems in pretty good h[eart].

Letter to Bedell



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