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The local exemption board announced Friday that the following colored registrants will be inducted into the service and sent to camp Sherman on July 18: Clyde P. Turner, George H. J. Gay, Arthur Williams, James B. Smith, and Roy Carter. A call for skilled workers has been received by the local board. The call is made to supply workmen for the engineers' corps and registrants may volunteer with the local board. Regis Carle Meade went to Bucyrus Thursday to spend two weeks with relatives. Miss Helen Doup, Miss Juanita Welder, Miss Ruth Gilmore, Harold Weir, and Dwight Gilmore spent the Fourth of July at Darling's Grove, near Fredericktown. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Mann and daughter motored to Zanezville on Thursday. Mrs. W.L. Carey and daughters Helen and Josephine, and son, William, of Columbus are visiting at the home of T.E. Taugher, East Hamtrameck Street. Miss Florence Parrish of East Vine street accompanied her sister, Hazel, home from Columbus Thursday, where the latter underwent an operation. Harold Trott and Miss Ethel Poorman spent Thursday at Buckeye Lake


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