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By Irene sharp (Mt. Vernon, Ohio)-The Ben Carter auxiliary 349, American Legion, held a covered dish social March 24 at the home of its president Mrs. E.T. Sharp, W. Chestnut st. The 20th Century club held its program meeting March 27 at the home of Mrs. Dana Jones, presi-st., inducted at Richmond, Va., ing program was enjoyed by the members present after which refreshments were served by the members present after which refreshments were served by the hostess: Piano, "Ah Sweet Mystery of Life," Mrs. Charles Duckworth; "The Origin of St. Patrick's Day," Mrs. Guy Hamilton; discussion on income tax led by Mrs. Lindsay: and a paper on Valentine Day by Mrs. Lucinda Nelson. The Army notified Board No, 1 that Ulysses G. Brooks, 14 Greer st., inducted at Richmond, aV., August 14,1943 had been discharged at Fort Story, Va., March 4. The board was also notified that Robert Junior Hill, 109 Franklin st. had been inducted by the Army at Fort Thomas.


The Ohio State News

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