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Mt. Vernon--Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hole [sic (Holt)], Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carter, Mrs. Bruce Bass, and Miss Cleo Newlin, visited in Columbus Sunday…Mr. and Mr. K.C. Adams and children of Dayton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crasson [sic (Crosson)]...Rev. E. W. Jackson former pastor of AME church has been assigned to a church in Glendale, a suburb of Cincinnati...Miss Cleo Newlin has accepted a job in Columbus...Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Booker of Chicago are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Booker. Mrs. Booker was entertained with a luncheon Tuesday afternoon...Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hogan and children of Dayton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Payne...Miss Ann Rouse and Wayne Rouse have returned after spending two weeks in Dayton and Columbus with relatives and friends...Mrs. Louise Rouse and daughter Virginia have returned from Roanoke, Va., after being called there by the death of the formrs nephew...Mr. William Turner, 89, died at his home Thursday morning...Rev. Snipes of Glendays is now the pastor of Wayman Chapel AME church.
The Ohio State News
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Recommended Citation
"Mt. Vernon By Ann Rouse" (1947). Newspaper Articles. Paper 186.